A very Precise & Objective & Fair view of Army Role in by Lt Col Thapan. Very Forthright & open analysis. Yes ,Indain Society needs morlity blended into very basic daily life in a very big way,else we will continue to witness : 1) Fear & Feudal system of Governance in Judiciary,Education,Religion & Medicine . 2) Road Rage by Animals 3) Naked display of skin all over & reducing lack of respect for women other than as objects of desire. 4) Non/least possible development of poor sections of society.
The only way out is to have more & more accountability with open,objective systems of governance & Retributions & penalities for violations & deviations. For Those who make fun of morality as an old age thing please stop usuing Sunlight,Water & Air as those are also as old as existence.
There is difference between Beasts & Human beings. Let us protect that always.