RE:80 years OLD...
by imran patel on Dec 10, 2007 10:00 PM Permalink
So we have only 2 options in a country of 100 crore people ?
That is what upsets me. People who hate BJP end up voting with the Gandhi CLAN and people who hate the congress vote to get skeletons elected to office.
We always vote Against something/someone. It is high time we vote FOR someone/ something.
Work to build a good system. BJP Vs Congress is just patch work.
RE:RE:80 years OLD...
by pattu on Dec 10, 2007 09:56 PM Permalink
What about Jinnah? Does all the BJP and RSS followers who endorse him think that Jinnah was secular and formation of Pakistan was just? What is the difference between a Commies view and BJP view on this issue?
RE:80 years OLD...
by sujeeth on Dec 10, 2007 10:03 PM Permalink
sir, jinna was a patriot.. he used to call himself as "Muslim Gokhale" and wanted to work for hindu Muslim unity. But Gandhiji insulted him. Jinna opposed Khilaft saying that it is communal. But Gandhiji did not pay heed to him. JInna was eagoist and his ego got hurt. In 1937 Jinna went and begged congeress people to share power with muslim league, congress rejected him, jinna was devastated, he said." I am burying my dream to see united india".. So jinna was not a traitor or a hindu hater as projected. I am a hindu and a RSS supporter but i know the truth
RE:80 years OLD...
by pattu on Dec 10, 2007 10:07 PM Permalink
Thanks Sujeeth for the message. I am getting more interested on Jinnah. I have to read and collect more information.
RE:80 years OLD...
by Satakarni on Dec 10, 2007 09:52 PM Permalink
I believe Chandrababu Naidu should be the next PM of India. He is an able administrator with clear understanding who can take India to new heights and make it a developed nation. But his party is limited to AP. He has more chances if he shifts to BJP.
RE:80 years OLD...
by PKN on Dec 10, 2007 10:47 PM Permalink
Inram Bhai, I can understand why you dislike Advani but dont use warped logic of 'Age' to justify your dislike . First understand the way that Indian democracy works. The party that gets a simple majority or is able to cobble up simple majority can chose any one to lead it. T We are looking at a PM , there is no need to apply criteria that Vetinarians use for identifying 'stud bulls' . Dont worry about those capable young leaders , they will also become PM s when they are 80 years old. When one has a medical problem does he go to the'old' Head or the Department or does he go to young Intern with 6 pack that Shahrukh Khan now sports. I will not say that Advani should become the PM because he is 80years old nor will I say that he should not be the PM because he is 80. Age doesnot matter .
RE:80 years OLD...
by Desai Dushyant on Dec 10, 2007 09:57 PM Permalink
I am not againts the advani but If there is upper age limit for for civil services and govenemnt employ then why not for PM after all PM is government employ..........