Inram Bhai, I can understand why you dislike Advani but dont use warped logic of 'Age' to justify your dislike . First understand the way that Indian democracy works. The party that gets a simple majority or is able to cobble up simple majority can chose any one to lead it. T We are looking at a PM , there is no need to apply criteria that Vetinarians use for identifying 'stud bulls' . Dont worry about those capable young leaders , they will also become PM s when they are 80 years old. When one has a medical problem does he go to the'old' Head or the Department or does he go to young Intern with 6 pack that Shahrukh Khan now sports. I will not say that Advani should become the PM because he is 80years old nor will I say that he should not be the PM because he is 80. Age doesnot matter .