the only people going to get benefit from the deal are - US atomic industry at the cost of indian research in this area. once we start producing electricty from atomic energy (although it is going to be very very leass as compared to other source of electricity, this is true even for advanced country. just ask homemuch electricity autralia , which has one of the largest deposit of urnium, produces from nuclear reactors as compared to other sources). Our industry and cities would be dependent on that electricty, it would be impossible for us to take any chance. That means, what may come, we would unable to test nucear bomb. this is becuase, US laws says, in case India does a testing, they are bound to take back the uranium suppled along with the reactors. please read auron shourie's article in IE. So indirectly we are saying good bye to atomic bomb. I am not bothered whether this is left or BJP, I am not bothered what ever is the motive, but this is a valid point of national interest. We just should not think to please US at any cost. after all this is our country
RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by Saurabh Goyal on Aug 21, 2007 10:53 AM Permalink
first of all there is nothing like that we cant test a nuclcear bomb if its necessary...but even if this is the case who need a nuclear bomb when most of india dont even have the electricity supply...i used to think that BJP was a good party and i always voted for them but they i had to change my point of view after they protested against this deal....
RE:RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by diba on Aug 21, 2007 10:58 AM Permalink
no wonder, we were slaves all through. only BJP things of national interest.
RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by anil b on Aug 21, 2007 10:39 AM Permalink
you are tottaly crazy . how will u use the atpmic bomb against pakisthan. dont forget that we and pakisthan are of the same kind and the only difference we have with them is religion that is it .Everything else we have with them is common , the same ethinicity , almost similiar behavious etc. we cannot use it against china and china will not use their bombs against anybody because that will result in a retaliation from US . we can only be friends and allies of a great country like US and that is what we gain from this deal.
RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by surendra singh on Aug 21, 2007 10:39 AM Permalink
chu..tiyee... kuch pata nahin ho tuo bakwas nahin karte hain....first fully understand what is 123 deal and then spit shit out of your mouth...
RE:RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by sumit kumar dey on Aug 21, 2007 10:44 AM Permalink
My Dear, India doesnot have a good reserve of Uranium. It has a good reseve for Plutonium. Also India still imports enriched Nuclear fuel from Cananda. We are still not competent enough to produce the Nuclear fuel. As far as Test goes. It is about testing of Nuclear Bombs. And during pokharan blasts we were told that we did not need to test again in next 20years. And once technilogy comes to india, It will be here and we can do as we want . The things that u talk seems like a Beggar goes to an Bank and Asks for a Loan to start a company . Bank tell him that since the proposition is risky , u have to give 50% of your profit. Beggar says "well I will become a billionare so u cannot charge that much" ....We still dont have the proper technology and you are talking of US benefiting....
RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by ashish kumar on Aug 21, 2007 10:44 AM Permalink
Can't Anil & Surendra see that DIBA is from West Bengal? Only a Bengali can give such ideas which are against the interests on our own country. Remember, East India Company was able to enter India through Bengal.
RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by diba on Aug 21, 2007 10:56 AM Permalink
bengal faught against the British. Most people from other states acted as slaves. Bengal has produces maximum no of Freedom fighters, who went to gallow. Any way that does not answer my questions.
RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by Sun on Aug 21, 2007 11:09 AM Permalink
Yes you gave lot of freedom fighters, creative people etc, but after a couple of decades of commie rule you have become robots
RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by ashish kumar on Aug 21, 2007 11:00 AM Permalink
Also West Bengal is responsible for the intrusion of 3 crore Bangladesis in India. Any reasons?
RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by Rana Dutta on Aug 21, 2007 11:08 AM Permalink
Mr Ashish. Please get the facts right. Bengal was not responsible for intrusion. it was Congress and commies who are reponsible. they have done it for muslim votes and apeasement.
RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by Rana Dutta on Aug 21, 2007 10:57 AM Permalink
Mr Ashish. How are you so sure that DIBA is from Bengal. Not all Bengalees are commies. In fact educated Bengalees are not commies. Left wins elections in bengal only and only through rigging. I am a bengalee and stay out of Bengal I have spoken to several people in Bengal most of them are against Left. For that matter, Karats, Sitaram yechury, D Raja are not Bengalees. Please do not make it a regional issue. Please do remember that it is a national issue.
RE:RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by ashish kumar on Aug 21, 2007 11:06 AM Permalink
Mr. Dutta, why Left is not able to win elections in other states by rigging (except Karela, which again like WB thinks that they are the most intelligent creatures on the surface of this earth)
RE:RE:RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by Sun on Aug 21, 2007 11:11 AM Permalink
Well Ashish, you do have a valid point, these Mallu's & Bongs always behave as if they are God's gift to mankind and all others are illiterate's.
RE:RE:RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by Rana Dutta on Aug 21, 2007 11:11 AM Permalink
Mr Ashish, Had bengalees not been intelligent they would not have 3 noble prizes. You may hate Bangalees, but you are bound to sing a bangali song, and it was written for the Nation and not for only Bengal. Jana gana nana is a Bengali song