the only people going to get benefit from the deal are - US atomic industry at the cost of indian research in this area. once we start producing electricty from atomic energy (although it is going to be very very leass as compared to other source of electricity, this is true even for advanced country. just ask homemuch electricity autralia , which has one of the largest deposit of urnium, produces from nuclear reactors as compared to other sources). Our industry and cities would be dependent on that electricty, it would be impossible for us to take any chance. That means, what may come, we would unable to test nucear bomb. this is becuase, US laws says, in case India does a testing, they are bound to take back the uranium suppled along with the reactors. please read auron shourie's article in IE. So indirectly we are saying good bye to atomic bomb. I am not bothered whether this is left or BJP, I am not bothered what ever is the motive, but this is a valid point of national interest. We just should not think to please US at any cost. after all this is our country