I feel time palys an important role in justice delivered... As the saying goes Justice delayed is justice denied.... Same principle applies here. 13 years is a long wait... for justice.... for punishment.... Just imagine this equation Sanjay Dutt is 49 today.... 13 years ago he was 36... If only JUSTICE / PUNISHMENT was decided in 6 months / 12 months, If Sanjay Dutt was sentenced in lets say 12 months he would have been 37 at the time of sentencing.... so even with a 6 year jail term he would have been out at the age of 42 and carried on with his life..... But for 13 long years he had the axe of TADA on his neck..... Everyday and everynight prob he lived under the fear of the worst... Isnt that punishment enough ????? What about the cops who booked him under TADA ???? If Sanjay Dutt did a mistake even those cops did... for their job is to investigate..... and present the truth before the Hon Court... Did they ????? Dont they deserve to be punished.... Every Indian should be accountable.... not only those in power... political or otherwise... For Nations sake let Justice prevail.... Justice to all... Justice for all...
RE:Sanjay - Justice or Injustice ?????
by arbitary on Aug 01, 2007 11:52 PM Permalink
Justice delayed is justice denied if it was for not reason at all. This case was so complex that they had to go through about 400 witnesses. We should be congratulating our judiciary for not giving up. It is natural to feel sympathy for Sanjay Dutt, but what about people who lost their lives in the blasts? There were so many 18-20 year olds who will never see the age of 49.
Sanjay Dutt was a co-conspirator and he had knowledge about this event through his friends. He has confessed to keeping explosives in his house(although he says he did not know then that they were explosives). He has been punished for what he did just like the others involved.
RE:Sanjay - Justice or Injustice ?????
by Sandeep on Aug 02, 2007 12:27 AM Permalink
Sanjay was in no way related to deaths in blasts. Riots were the cause of his acquiring weapons and not other way round. Please think before making statements like Sanjay was a terrorist or invloved in blasts etc.
RE:Sanjay - Justice or Injustice ?????
by chirag patel on Aug 02, 2007 04:37 AM Permalink
justice was delayed because sunil dutt was a "chamcha" of gandhi family and he used his political position to keem sanju free. Since Nargis was a cousin of Indira, Dutts have always enjoyes rosy relations with gandhis. After sunil dutt passed away, noone to save...good job judge..bravo...but sanju was lucky
RE:Sanjay - Justice or Injustice ?????
by Somebody Somewhere on Aug 02, 2007 07:47 AM Permalink
You idiot.. you talk from every possible hole in your body... now you say justice delayed.. when Afzul was convicted .. u said.. why convict so fast you did not do due deligence for 10 years... YOU RAT
RE:Sanjay - Justice or Injustice ?????
by M Kamal on Aug 02, 2007 10:43 PM Permalink
Dear Friend... Probably you are mistaking me for someone else... anyways we all have a right to agree of disagree, to convey our personal feelings but do we need to stoop low and use such language....
If Sanjay Dutt was a part of the conspiracy then do you think the Hon'able Judge would have cleared him off the TADA charges ????? Do you mean to say that the Hon'able Judge was influenced ? No he is a rightous and a brave man. But I feel that he was harsh in Sanjay's case, probably because he felt that anything else he would have been condemned of being influenced, so i guess Sanjay paid a price of his celebrity status and his familys political connections.