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RE:Sanjay - Justice or Injustice ?????
by arbitary on Aug 01, 2007 11:52 PM

Justice delayed is justice denied if it was for not reason at all. This case was so complex that they had to go through about 400 witnesses. We should be congratulating our judiciary for not giving up. It is natural to feel sympathy for Sanjay Dutt, but what about people who lost their lives in the blasts? There were so many 18-20 year olds who will never see the age of 49.

Sanjay Dutt was a co-conspirator and he had knowledge about this event through his friends. He has confessed to keeping explosives in his house(although he says he did not know then that they were explosives). He has been punished for what he did just like the others involved.

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Sanjay Dutt's first day in jail