India is a democratice contry. Dear mr.Rahul don't feel like "Prince" you are not Prince Williams or Prince Harry of England. If gandhi-Nehru family wants to do a good thing to India. Kindly get lost from India along with your mother, sister, brother0in-law, and their kit and kin.
RE:Prince Rahul?
by Ajay on Apr 16, 2007 05:05 PM Permalink
Honestly tell me what was the reason for holding up pilgrims inside temple?
Indra openly communicated thousand of times with BHindranwala who was roaming freely in punjab, foreign countries, but moment he went to Golden temple to pay homage, Indra ghazi Invaded it turning it into battle ground and killed thousands of innocent pilgrims. Several thousand bodies of pilgrims(women,childen,old men) was spotted floating in Sarovar after 2-3 days of operation
RE:Prince Rahul?
by Ajay on Apr 16, 2007 05:14 PM Permalink
My friend who was present in Punjab during 1984 told me that the entire sarovar of Amritsar got turned into RED colour which was blood of innocent women,children and pilgrims who were living inside temple.
Several thousand of bodies were found at the bottom of sarovar, and several hundred dead bodies were spotted floating in sarovar.
Ever wondered why they are call "Goddesses of Hindus as someone who enjoys driking wine", and Guru Gobind Singh was working as an employee in the court of Aurangzeb in the books of IGNOU across India ??
The guru whose father sacrificed hi s life to save Hindu religion was projected as a coward in IGNOU books across India.
Several dieties and goddesses were mentioned as "enjoyed wine"
RE:Prince Rahul?
by Ajay on Apr 16, 2007 04:57 PM Permalink
Even Khalistan was dream of Indra Gandhi. Bhindranwala was considered as saint by Indra as long as he tried to split khalistani and Indian sikhs. The moment he revolted, she feared that he will spill the beans, and invaded Golden Temple only to kill innocent pilgrims around 3000 who were murdered cold bloodedly.
Rahul admitted about splitting India, Pak, and Bangladesh, dont get surprised it you see another speech from Priyanka spilling the beans about khalistan.
They are a tickling time bomb which can push any patriotic community into terrorism. This is what currently going on in pak,india,kashmir for the last 50 years
RE:Prince Rahul?
by MANISH JAIN on Apr 16, 2007 05:11 PM Permalink
RAHUL BHAI, who divided your Gandhi family? Why Varun and maneka outcastes? Maybe Charity began at