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RE:Prince Rahul?
by Ajay on Apr 16, 2007 04:57 PM

Even Khalistan was dream of Indra Gandhi. Bhindranwala was considered as saint by Indra as long as he tried to split khalistani and Indian sikhs. The moment he revolted, she feared that he will spill the beans, and invaded Golden Temple only to kill innocent pilgrims around 3000 who were murdered cold bloodedly.

Rahul admitted about splitting India, Pak, and Bangladesh, dont get surprised it you see another speech from Priyanka spilling the beans about khalistan.

They are a tickling time bomb which can push any patriotic community into terrorism. This is what currently going on in pak,india,kashmir for the last 50 years

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Did Rahul cross the line on Pak?