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Nehru -Gandhi's
by A chandra on Apr 13, 2007 11:35 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I see a lot of people have made personal attacks against the Nehru Gandhi family. I am afraid they are false for the most part and simply made by people who are jealous of their success. Like any politician they have made mistakes but here is why i think they have the best record to date when it comes to running India.

1: Defended India against enemy nations like China & Pakistan. BJA only made a lot of noise and when push came to shove during Kargil, they did not have the guts to take the nation to war as Indra or Nehru did. India lost 500 men , got attacked on our soil by 1000's backed by Pakistan and all the BJP did was sit on the India side and fire at them.

2: The Nehru Gandhi family has always been democratically elected and thus is not a monarchy. In a democracy its peoples will that counts. Its obvious mass majority have great respect for them.

3: Its a well known fact that when a Nehru-Gandhi runs a nation they believe in a gov that is not just run by high cast Hindus but one that is run by people of all walks of India. Look at the fine example of our great leadership today. Sikh PM, Muslim Pres. They are both highly educated and doing a great job.

Yes congress made mistakes in Punjab and some thugs in the Congress party took advantage of Indra's death and went on killing innocent Sikhs. Thats was not some thing Indra had wanted as she was dead. In fact she was warned not to have Sikh bodyguards but insisted she kept her body guards as she had faith in them.

On a final note: Today's economic success was started by Congress MP , now a PM. BJP just stole the lime light for 5 years and took credit for a policy that was all ready set in place by former Congress Gov under Rao.

BJP is a communal party with no real agenda to make India prosperous and modern. All they do is try to create communal tension and use Hinduism like radical Islamic groups in the Mid-East.

I am afraid that trick only works ones and people soon realize that kind of politics is bad for progress and the nation at large. People want jobs, help their kids get better education , make money etc... No one wants to support a party that is always attacking people based on their ethnic back ground. Who cares if you are Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Atheist, Male, Female, Black , White or Brown. All that matters is that we are all from "ONE RACE", the "HUMAN RACE" and want to together build a modern and civilized India. Parties like the BJP are not the solution to the problem.

Though i will say that India does need good opposition parties that will have solid economic plans that will make India better. India will always stay 3rd world as long as people dont change their mentality. USA is a world's #1 super power not only because its got great economic policies but also because people are very FWD thinking .

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  RE:Nehru -Gandhi's
by Mahesh Jagga on Apr 18, 2007 04:29 PM   Permalink
Mr. Chandra,

The personal attacks are a result of people's frustation with a national party which cannot stand on its own and needs the crutches of a family with a borrowed name.

Take out the family name and what are we left with?

A reluctant widow forced to come to politics due to sycophants? Till date she has not clarified what she stands for on issues of national importance. Only reads the speeches written by advisors - I am not sure whether she understands what she is saying or not.

An equally unwilling son who suffers from a foot in the mouth desease?

They defended the country against China and Pakistan? Lost POK in 1948, lost Aksai Chin in 1962, lost strategic advantage gained thru sacrifice of our soldiers in 1971? How many soldiers lost their lives due to Rajiv's unholy dabbling in SL affairs? Was it an indian territory at stake? Or Indian lives? At least in Kargil, we recovered our territory and did not concede any strategic advantage. That was a first one!

The list of follies is endless but counting same is also futile. You cannot choose your leaders on the basis of what their ancestors did (good or bad). If that is the case, my dear, I throw my hat in the ring. My father was a freedom fighter and a congressman till 1975. He quit politics the day Emergency was declared. He spent more years in jail than JLN.

Basic issue is not of origin either. No one is bothered where they were born and how?

Real issue is that we are a democracy and if anyone tries to foist a family on us it is blot on democracy. All of us need to resist it.

We need to get out of our slave mentality and choose our leaders from within us. No Avtar is going to come from any family to save us.

If we cannot understand it, we are doomed.

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  RE:Nehru -Gandhi's
by Vaibhav Pradhan on Apr 14, 2007 01:14 AM   Permalink
Chandra, I think you are on high dose of drugs man!

Congress defended country???? - So what happened when we lost POK?

Indian democracy is manipulated democracy from word go. Entier world knows that. Have you forgotten that within 25 years of freedom we had emergency on fake grounds????

So, for once you says its democracy and still you don't want to give credit to democratically elected BJP government for its success on economic front. Hypocrat!!!

Remember who reversed Suprem Court judgement in Shahabano case???? Was that BJP?? No. It was Congress under the leadership of this so called great family.

Of course people of USA are forward thinking and is #1 country. You know the real reason? Because its not possible in USA for a foreign born person to become president. This is called forward thinking. In India, Congress wants that lady who's background no one knows as our PM. This is backward thinking my friend. I don't hate Sonia as a person but I feel insulted if I'm ruled by a foreigner. This is forward thinking. So, please go back and learn real definition of forward thinking.

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  RE:Nehru -Gandhi's
by Indian on Apr 14, 2007 01:29 AM   Permalink

Vaibhav, you've proved yourself that you know nothing.

Any one who is elected democratically can become a president of USA it doesnt matter their counrty of birth. And definitely thats not the reason for their success. Its their attitude and respect for others.

Sonia is the daughter-in law of our country. She's been married and brought here in a very decent manner as a respeced daughter-in law of a greatest family of India.

Is this how you treat your daughter in law in your family? BJP has become so cheap in front of the people of India, when they criticse about Sonia's origin.

IF she has come to power again it was the choice by people of India. People dont care about her origin they care only about a strong leadership at the center which can lead us to prosperity.

The BJP politicians whose background we know done nothing good for us so far. So we have all the trust in Sonia and Congress.

She had shown her greatness by opting out of PM position which no other India born woman would do. So for any reason she is the only one who is really eligible to become a PM.

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  RE:Nehru -Gandhi's
by Vaibhav Pradhan on Apr 14, 2007 01:54 AM   Permalink
Dear Chandra,

You are WRONG. Go back and read US constitution. No foreign born person can hold the office of president. And that is one of the resons why they are the great nation today.

Another reason - USA is great because they don't tolerate dynastic rule in their country. Their first president (if you don't know, thats George Washington) ws in office only for 8 years (2 terms) and this is THE law in USA. US constitution doesn't allow anyone to become president for more than two times however that person may be intelligent and good. The reason behind this provision is that if you are in the constitutional office for long period then you bound to develope vested interest and thats harmful for the nation. Do you know how long our so called great first PM was in the office? Contineously for 15 years till he died. This is the legacy of this family. Stick to the office damn the nation!!

Correct your facts and stop this propogand about so called greatness of this fake family.

You try to increase the literacy in the country and see what happens. It will be BJP rule all the time the momene you achieve 80% literacy because then people will make educated decision and people like you won't be able to fool common man!

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  RE:Nehru -Gandhi's
by Indian on Apr 14, 2007 02:16 AM   Permalink

We are Indian citizens and we follow our rules here. Indian law never prohibhits anyone from becoming a PM for more than once. Thats why our first PM served 15 years. but he was elected by the people . it was not a dictatorship anyway.

Indian citizens have full confidence in Gandhi family and deserve that trust. BJP came to power when Congress was weak in leadership after the death of Rajiv. Now Congress has regained power and we have young leader Rahul coming up.
Seeing all this BJP is getting panic that they'll be soon become a history in Indian politics as people rejected them.

I also agree that education and literacy make people think wisely.
Do you think these BJP fanatics ruining India for mandir and killing innocents are educated? Educated people dont waste their time and countries resources for unnecessary causes.

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  RE:Nehru -Gandhi's
by sree reddy on Apr 16, 2007 10:41 AM   Permalink
you r not indian..chane it to illiterate...go back..try to know some thing about politics..otherwise dont post ur reasonless words here..this is for those who have brains

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  RE:Nehru -Gandhi's
by hemant chadha on Apr 14, 2007 12:32 AM   Permalink
shut up man!!!! congress is the following the british policy of divide and rule. they should be kicked out.

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  RE:Nehru -Gandhi's
by Superman aka who last crashed into a tree on Apr 14, 2007 05:29 AM   Permalink
A Chandra has gone nuts. I believe his brain has gone numb or something, and his bowels are now doing the thinking.

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  RE:Nehru -Gandhi's
by Serial Tourist on Apr 14, 2007 12:31 AM   Permalink
"BJP is a communal party with no real agenda to make India prosperous and modern."

Are you on drugs? Congress ruled India for 55 years and still the country has poverty levels worse than African countries. It is jokers like you who do not allow INdia to develop by getting rid of this Hindu-hating, wealth-hating, dynasty-loving garbage called Congress.

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  RE:Nehru -Gandhi's
by mandava chaitanya on Apr 14, 2007 01:56 AM   Permalink
Good answer, mate!

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  RE:Nehru -Gandhi's
by Indian on Apr 14, 2007 12:57 AM   Permalink
A Chandra, I completely agree with you so does majority of citizens in India.

Only congress can lead India no matter what communal parties like BJP says. People of India never give any face value to the idoitic stupid BJP leaders. What have they done to India so far? Only thing they want is to build a Ram mandir that no one wants to see it built except for some fanatics.

Actually its BJPs ploicy is to divide and rule the nation on the basis of their religion. Anybody with a little brian can understand this clearly.

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  RE:Nehru -Gandhi's
by Vaibhav Pradhan on Apr 14, 2007 01:02 AM   Permalink
And why didn't you mention lost Kashmir? Why didn't you mention emergency? Why didn't you mention 1984?

If BJP wants to give only Ram Mandir then Congress wants to give ONLT dynastic rule. I think Ram Mandir is anytime better than fake dynasty!

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  RE:Nehru -Gandhi's
by Indian on Apr 14, 2007 01:09 AM   Permalink

People of India chose to have Congress in power because they were more concerned only about the future of India not about any mandir.

Fanatics who make a living with mandirs are the only people supporting BJP. Normal citizens hate BJP and their bloodhunting policies.

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