I see a lot of people have made personal attacks against the Nehru Gandhi family. I am afraid they are false for the most part and simply made by people who are jealous of their success. Like any politician they have made mistakes but here is why i think they have the best record to date when it comes to running India.
1: Defended India against enemy nations like China & Pakistan. BJA only made a lot of noise and when push came to shove during Kargil, they did not have the guts to take the nation to war as Indra or Nehru did. India lost 500 men , got attacked on our soil by 1000's backed by Pakistan and all the BJP did was sit on the India side and fire at them.
2: The Nehru Gandhi family has always been democratically elected and thus is not a monarchy. In a democracy its peoples will that counts. Its obvious mass majority have great respect for them.
3: Its a well known fact that when a Nehru-Gandhi runs a nation they believe in a gov that is not just run by high cast Hindus but one that is run by people of all walks of India. Look at the fine example of our great leadership today. Sikh PM, Muslim Pres. They are both highly educated and doing a great job.
Yes congress made mistakes in Punjab and some thugs in the Congress party took advantage of Indra's death and went on killing innocent Sikhs. Thats was not some thing Indra had wanted as she was dead. In fact she was warned not to have Sikh bodyguards but insisted she kept her body guards as she had faith in them.
On a final note: Today's economic success was started by Congress MP , now a PM. BJP just stole the lime light for 5 years and took credit for a policy that was all ready set in place by former Congress Gov under Rao.
BJP is a communal party with no real agenda to make India prosperous and modern. All they do is try to create communal tension and use Hinduism like radical Islamic groups in the Mid-East.
I am afraid that trick only works ones and people soon realize that kind of politics is bad for progress and the nation at large. People want jobs, help their kids get better education , make money etc... No one wants to support a party that is always attacking people based on their ethnic back ground. Who cares if you are Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Atheist, Male, Female, Black , White or Brown. All that matters is that we are all from "ONE RACE", the "HUMAN RACE" and want to together build a modern and civilized India. Parties like the BJP are not the solution to the problem.
Though i will say that India does need good opposition parties that will have solid economic plans that will make India better. India will always stay 3rd world as long as people dont change their mentality. USA is a world's #1 super power not only because its got great economic policies but also because people are very FWD thinking .