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A good alternate
by Rohit Dewangan on Apr 05, 2007 04:13 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

While, reservations are inevitable, Supreme Court cannot do much as new bills/laws can be passed.

The only way to bring down this reservation is to jointly come with proposal from all caste, community, religion, clan and sects.

My proposal is
1.      Limit the reservation to maximum one per generation and next generation of the privileged will not be eligible for reservation?
2.      Families with more than 2 kids as of born after 5-Apr-07 nine mths (to accommodate the in process ones) , will not be eligible for reservation. This will control population to some extent.
3.      About 50% beneficiaries from this quota to come from smaller towns /village people who have at least passed 10th standard from smaller places.
4.      People changing religion after today i.e. 5-Apr-07 will not be eligible for quota. My objective here is to avoid any possible conflict between group.

This will provide upliftment of more families and hence, their vote bank will remain intact? I am sure with such policies, the need for reservation, in terms of percentage, would come down in a generations time. And the disparity in eligibility criterion will come down drastically.

Let%u2019s all unite and avoid a possible civil war .

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  RE:RE:A good alternate
by Pramod S on Apr 05, 2007 04:43 PM   Permalink
Superb Altrernative but nobody will listen. They will say we are all fools

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  RE:A good alternate
by Rohit Dewangan on Apr 05, 2007 07:03 PM   Permalink
Ok Guys,
I am not saying that we should tell these politicians to implement. I know they wont listen. I am talking about people movement. Normal people should start thinking beyond food, clothing and shelter. Their is danger of civil disturbance where as in other countries have sorted out their differences long back and having development and luxury in their life. I am saying that religious leaders from parties should break the shackles and sit together and decide.

Lets get Shankrachariyas, Moulvis, preists, BC representative, Tribal kings etc to decide on the long term future. And make this politician implement.

Another idea is to collect ideas from intellectuals likes you.

Implementation may follow Gandhiji or Bhagat singh approach but the important thing is that all should know what the ultimate goal is, the path to reach the goal and if their are serious hindrance then alternatives.

All educated and sensible people please make effort to spread knowledge

Guys all revolution starts with simple thoughts. my 2 cents.

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by GWB on Apr 05, 2007 04:39 PM   Permalink
Dear Mr. Rohit, get a grip on the situation! U thnk such options wud not hv flashed in the minds of any politician? The fact plainly is such relatively ideal things are to no politician's benefit! Forget any 'leader' to think this direction!
U must realize, outside of the judiciary (atleast the Supreme Court in my opinion), it'll only be populist measures that count... and populism typically translates to unabashed ("no strings attached") translation of a thought.. y wud a 'backward' community agree to only have 1 generation worth of benefits, atleast voluntarily (given that it presently is without any time limit)? if this is so, y wud a politician take this fwd, risking bad image in the very community whose rights he's supposedly championing? Any practical reserved beneficiary will only want this to continue forever, and I don't blame him/her one bit...

Do u thnk politicians even care 2 hoots abt the 'religion' or 'caste' they champion? (BJP included)... In the context of a mis informed / illiterate electorate, I thnk politicians are only doing what is expected... Other than the boring solution of *all* people waking up and seeing the bigger picture of the long term future, there don't seem to be many non radical solutions to this!

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  RE:A good alternate
by Ram Prasad on Apr 05, 2007 04:20 PM   Permalink
Very good, i agreee with you 4 point formula. Can these politicans take this up, without losing vote banks?? Dont know!

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TN: Quota for Muslims, Christian