Ok Guys, I am not saying that we should tell these politicians to implement. I know they wont listen. I am talking about people movement. Normal people should start thinking beyond food, clothing and shelter. Their is danger of civil disturbance where as in other countries have sorted out their differences long back and having development and luxury in their life. I am saying that religious leaders from parties should break the shackles and sit together and decide.
Lets get Shankrachariyas, Moulvis, preists, BC representative, Tribal kings etc to decide on the long term future. And make this politician implement.
Another idea is to collect ideas from intellectuals likes you.
Implementation may follow Gandhiji or Bhagat singh approach but the important thing is that all should know what the ultimate goal is, the path to reach the goal and if their are serious hindrance then alternatives.
All educated and sensible people please make effort to spread knowledge
Guys all revolution starts with simple thoughts. my 2 cents.