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Grow up Mr.Raman
by Karthik on Mar 21, 2005 10:46 PM   Permalink

Mr Raman,

All your more glorious examples of failures of the Center were all from the 60's. The more recent ones shouldn't have happened and yet they did. It is a shame that we use one failure to justify the next and so on. Its a crime! Don't point to Pakistan for mistakes when we can't correct them and be a role model ourselves. As a great democracy, to throw stones at some despots with systematic rioting every other year here is ?!

The very Act that even gave the right to comment/judge someone like Modi has only been in existence for a few years in the US. The US can make its visa calls (there are 1000's of other Indians who get visas rejected for much less)- it didn't impose an embargo on Gujarat. Secondly, we are in a more aware, accepting world and one in which India is in the global limelight - not the India of even the 80's. With due respect Sir, grow up - see what the new generation and the one after want - not a bunch of people with power trips as their only agenda setting direction for a divided India of tomorrow. Comparing it to Harijan massacres in the 60's? We've come a long way I hope but not if left to your views.

I am an Indian, a Hindu and v.proud of it

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Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?