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Grow up Mr.Raman
by Karthik on Mar 21, 2005 10:46 PM

Mr Raman,

All your more glorious examples of failures of the Center were all from the 60's. The more recent ones shouldn't have happened and yet they did. It is a shame that we use one failure to justify the next and so on. Its a crime! Don't point to Pakistan for mistakes when we can't correct them and be a role model ourselves. As a great democracy, to throw stones at some despots with systematic rioting every other year here is ?!

The very Act that even gave the right to comment/judge someone like Modi has only been in existence for a few years in the US. The US can make its visa calls (there are 1000's of other Indians who get visas rejected for much less)- it didn't impose an embargo on Gujarat. Secondly, we are in a more aware, accepting world and one in which India is in the global limelight - not the India of even the 80's. With due respect Sir, grow up - see what the new generation and the one after want - not a bunch of people with power trips as their only agenda setting direction for a divided India of tomorrow. Comparing it to Harijan massacres in the 60's? We've come a long way I hope but not if left to your views.

I am an Indian, a Hindu and v.proud of it

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Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?