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by shanmugam kumarasamy on Mar 11, 2008 12:37 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Very Good and Inspiring Stuff..,

This is the summary for Archiving:

1. Innovation, not instant pefection
- A Cathedral and a company bazzar model
2. Ideas come from everywhere
- Posting new ideas within the company for others to see and vote
3. A license to pursue your dreams
- Employees are allowed to spend 20% of their time in doing pet projects
4. Morphs projects don't kill them
- Take the product and morph it into something that the market needs
5. Share as much information as you can
- Share information to know whats happening with the business and whats important
6. Users, Users, Users
- Focus more on the Users , money will follow
7. Data is apolitical
- Test the data and take unbiased decision
8. Creativity loves constraints
- Think of all constraints while think of new
9. You're Brilliant , We're Hiring
- Found an idea, go to google and have a demo and launch it in six months

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by googlingLife on Mar 11, 2008 01:49 PM   Permalink
Thanks for summarizing.
I was about to do same thing, but found your post.
Thanks a lot again.

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