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by R.M.S. Danaraj on Mar 07, 2007 03:03 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Upliftment of the people from oppressed class is important.We cannot ignore them.Only 20% of indians exposed to the fruits of globalisation and education.Reservation has been implemented for nearly 50 years(may be more than that).Only very few people able to develope in those castes.
It is not only the duty of the government to take care of the people.Most of the people who wrote against the reservation just because they feel their chances( future) may be affected.

It is their responsiblities also to work towards the developement of the society.We can see that the caste system is still alive.We can see form our leaders to our friends. We have to work on some other better alternative to benefit all poor people irrespective of the caste.

The education system should

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by R G on Mar 07, 2007 04:55 PM   Permalink
So is the reservation isssue going to help those. See the conditions in the government sectors. Many posts are vacant because of there are no sutiable candidates in the resreved class to fill the positions. Because the posts are for the reserved class they cannot be occupied by any general class candidates. Due to this the other people have to work extra to fulfill the job of the extra posts. This is the scnario of the government sector. Now consider the IT industry. You are aware of the schedule of work the IT professionals have to do. They generally work more than 12 hours of the day due to the tight schedules of the project. Do you want to increase the work by keeping the posts in the IT vacant because there is no able candidate in the reserved catagory to fill that post.

And moreover if the person is talented and has got enough qualification then he does not require any tag of being of reserved catagory. He will get the desired job by himself. So where is the question of the reservation arise.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Reservation: What should be done