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  RE:Biotech & Crazy people
by Jisha Janardhanan on Jul 06, 2007 09:37 AM   Permalink
I agree with you completely Bharat. All articles in newspapers, etc are false. All are hype by institutes to make money. Let me tell you about a person I met in Chennai. He call himself as a scientist (of his own research and training institute). This person has a 2 bedroom house, on rent where he runs that Biotech research. He has written a few reviews on books, which he claims as the greatest achievement in bio. He also runs a job portal website (for email collection). Go to the website, register for free, search anything, any location, It will show you a min of 4 jobs available, try applying, It will ask you for a fee of 1,500 to access this. The rest is up to you to understand. Then this person will email you contineously for a course of Rs.15,000 which he claims to be job assured. Remember all he has is a rented 2 BHK house, a pressure cooker and a freezer. I have also come across a similar fraud in Bangalore.

So that is the level of Biotech in India now. I hope the government, which is supposed to be for the people, stop eating money from these frauds, and stops this nonsence, and come out with a true picture.

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  RE:Biotech & Crazy people
by LeYaM on Jul 07, 2007 12:11 PM   Permalink
Biotech is a huuuuge bubble which is now bursting...but not like IT boom burst..this bursting coz of inumberable amount of students finishing course and being in streets..

a few remarks about a company which initiated this hype in India. I got to know about this from an industry insider.

*Startd an org. called ABLE and became its torchleader for 2 yrs which is solely meant for promoting that single organization in the state
*Startd organizing mega event projecting tht it is to lure investors from across the world to India. but the reality and motive is entirely different (which cant be disclosed in a public forum)
*Hardly anyone knows that one of their API forumlation has a banned chemical presence. Due to this license of this company is cancelled in china and some other countries
*Posterwoman of this company led a delegation to Europe 2 yrs back with reps from Dr. Reddys, Avestagen etc. They signed in certain treaties over there which included non-commercialization of certain drugs in India. This company led by the posterwoman came back and openly violated the treaty and thereby invited mass embarassment to the country and other fellow delegates.

*then comes the much hyped IPO which boasts of 4 times oversubscription. it was the most hyped and most begged IPO (beggin cmpnies like ICICI to invest) ever in biotech industry.

*ANother fact is about starting the company itself. Nowhere she has mentioned her father for the credit of helping her settin up the enzyme company i

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Biotech boom: Where're the jobs?