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RE:Biotech & Crazy people
by Jisha Janardhanan on Jul 06, 2007 09:37 AM

I agree with you completely Bharat. All articles in newspapers, etc are false. All are hype by institutes to make money. Let me tell you about a person I met in Chennai. He call himself as a scientist (of his own research and training institute). This person has a 2 bedroom house, on rent where he runs that Biotech research. He has written a few reviews on books, which he claims as the greatest achievement in bio. He also runs a job portal website (for email collection). Go to the website, register for free, search anything, any location, It will show you a min of 4 jobs available, try applying, It will ask you for a fee of 1,500 to access this. The rest is up to you to understand. Then this person will email you contineously for a course of Rs.15,000 which he claims to be job assured. Remember all he has is a rented 2 BHK house, a pressure cooker and a freezer. I have also come across a similar fraud in Bangalore.

So that is the level of Biotech in India now. I hope the government, which is supposed to be for the people, stop eating money from these frauds, and stops this nonsence, and come out with a true picture.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Biotech boom: Where're the jobs?