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a couple of clarifications
by Always Right on Nov 08, 2004 03:22 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I guess Ms.Bansal could do wiyth checking out a few more details.The first one is about ISB.Over the last 2 years, freshers with abysmal GMAT scores too have managed to get admission to the institute; a classic example of falling to the rat race, increasing seats to get more revenue, and then not getting the quality and so opting for quantity.
Alos, w.r.t MDI, I guess the entire B-school junta knows that Pritma Singh and his stunts, most of it, media-related has added to MDI figuring high in the rankings.
MDI along with the IIPMs and the Amitys and FOREs are the top spenders.This is not doubting the class of MDI which today is one of the top 10 B Schools for sure, but this was just to set the record right.

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  RE:a couple of clarifications
by vipul on Apr 13, 2005 04:56 PM   Permalink
IIM took 50 years to reach where they are today. To make a brand in this era where you need to shout out loud to get heard I would not denounce the tectics used by Mr. Pritam Singh which so rightly pointed out is known by everybody. But in MBA brands are not built by media spendings. The brand is built by the 'Alumnis'. And it is a slow process involving the pass out batches to reach places and positions in organizations they are serving. I can safely say that in a few years brands like MDI,SPJain, FORE, would make their own niche in this segment.

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Is the 'IIM' brand invincible?