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Why can't you support your team ?
by sreekanth on Apr 04, 2008 05:23 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

I see all but few talking rubbish about the indian cricket team. Why do you guys want to be soo critical? where are you when india won against australia? Did the australians screw their team when they lost? NO !! go browse their newspapers and not a single comment on their teams performance... this takes the pressure off the players in their team... And you guys, don't know if you ever played cricket, try to comment on the best 11 players in the team... Don't try to argue that these are not the best 11. I don't think the Indian selection committee is goin to take words of a person who can't support his team in tough times.

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  RE:Why can't you support your team ?
by True Muslim on Apr 04, 2008 06:58 AM   Permalink
This is the direct result of not concentrating on cricket -- rather concentrating on cricket, these cricketers are busy wooing heroines, endorsing products, making big statements, dancing and interested only in making money and money..... Look what happened to Yuvraj in Australia, he lost place in test team as well as Deepika.... Sreesant is better as a cheerleader than a bowler..... looka at his temperament, he hasn;t proved himself and look at his attitude... he should learn to be composed like Kapil even after taking so many wickets.... Utthapas, Pathans, Karthiks should prove themselves and find a permanent place in test team, then they should make big statements. They just learn communication skills and forget about their cricketing skills. It's high time these players should be ban from extra curricular activities and concentrate on their game.

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  RE:RE:Why can't you support your team ?
by True Muslim on Apr 04, 2008 07:03 AM   Permalink
Players like Dhoni, Jaffar, Sehwag, Ganguly should endorse FEVICOL, then they will learn to stay at the wicket. Pathan, Sreesant should endorse SPEED so they will bowl fast.

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  RE:Why can't you support your team ?
by SSM on Apr 04, 2008 07:58 AM   Permalink
I don't understand this...u expect us to always praise the team, no matter what? When they play badly we have every right to criticise them, like we commend them when they play well. This notion of just being there for the praise and not for the brickbats is surprising, and wrong.

So they had a bad day at the office for a day, happens to everybody...but why not criticise them?

...but all said and done, we expected a better performance from a team expecting to be the top team in the world, on any wicket. We expected to see some resolve and tenacity, which the team has not shonw in this Test.
But I am sure the team will bounce back fast. Unfortunately this will need a lot of hard work in the 2nd innings.
Best of luck to the team,

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  RE:Why can't you support your team ?
by Gobind on Apr 04, 2008 12:04 PM   Permalink
user "sreekanth" is a pathetic person

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