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RE:Why can't you support your team ?
by True Muslim on Apr 04, 2008 06:58 AM

This is the direct result of not concentrating on cricket -- rather concentrating on cricket, these cricketers are busy wooing heroines, endorsing products, making big statements, dancing and interested only in making money and money..... Look what happened to Yuvraj in Australia, he lost place in test team as well as Deepika.... Sreesant is better as a cheerleader than a bowler..... looka at his temperament, he hasn;t proved himself and look at his attitude... he should learn to be composed like Kapil even after taking so many wickets.... Utthapas, Pathans, Karthiks should prove themselves and find a permanent place in test team, then they should make big statements. They just learn communication skills and forget about their cricketing skills. It's high time these players should be ban from extra curricular activities and concentrate on their game.

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