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The Poorer Chak De India
by Murli on Sep 27, 2007 03:12 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

While this all hoopla is going on with this win, everybody accolading Jharkhand boy Dhoni for his captaincy..I just wondered that in the Movie Chak De, the movie maker could not stop himself refraining from the bias of his attitude towards small towns, specially where in Chak De India movie the film director has potrayed Jharkhand in a negative form, just making mockery like any common person which makes fun of people from small places like Jharkhand Bihar Orissa MP etc.

Now Dhoni has given him a befitting reply through his performance for the country as well as his thousand volt speech at Wankhede telling the world that how a small town boy is born to be superior than a metro. I hope the director of Chak De India must have felt his mistake and improves his character against regional bias onwards! Must understand India is one and every region is equal for it, equally important be it bihar Jharkhand or rajasthan of South India, and the real India still stays in these small towns and villages who are humiliated and left out in the present day of modernization and development, which occur only in selceted 8-10 cities of this country! Faster we realize to fill this gap, better woudl be for India. India needs to b united.

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  RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by Ramesh Krishnamoorthy on Sep 27, 2007 03:19 PM   Permalink
Good one dude. Hats off to you! You have told what all Indians ought to have deep in their mind. This country is One and we all Indians are One. No North, South categorization required. We love Kashmiris, Maharashtrians as we love the Keralites and Kannadigas and elsewhere, through India. Good one.

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  RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by SANJEEV on Sep 27, 2007 03:25 PM   Permalink
Good one dude..

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  RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by himanshu nayak on Sep 27, 2007 03:31 PM   Permalink
i seriously don't understand the point u guys are making here. dude if someone tries to portray the real picture u think it is the bais of the director. i have played antional many time over and know for sure the discrimination on the basis of the state. even at the state level the distinction is based on the district u r from. the point the director tried to make (i hope u remember the movie) about the north-eastern girls being treated like guest in their own country sends out a message loud n clear. above all don't forget one thing the selection committee is still composed of regional selectors

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  RE:RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by Reza Arif on Sep 27, 2007 03:43 PM   Permalink
I agree with ur point and hv tried to potray the same in my message below ...

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  RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by Sylvester Marshall on Sep 27, 2007 03:30 PM   Permalink
Wish there could be many more like minded country-men like you. Great Stuff man.

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  RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by santanu das on Sep 27, 2007 03:30 PM   Permalink
why not add assam, manipur and all the other ne states in ur statement.....we r always a neglected lot.

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  RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by Murli on Sep 27, 2007 03:57 PM   Permalink
All included. But i think the fare skins of NE people wins them a bit affection comapred to Jharkhand people, but if you collect carefully the data, the tribals of Jharkhand are gem. In fact entire eastern India with NE has been always neglected by Indian government. But that does not mean that you lessen your respect towards India. Unite and fight for your cause but never go hateful for others. it's formula to win in whcih every Indian will support you.

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  RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by Reza Arif on Sep 27, 2007 03:42 PM   Permalink
I agree with most of ur viewpoints ..

but one fundamental thing .. I dont agree ..

The movie "Chak De" is inspired by real incidents ... The movie should have shown reality .. and I feel it has to a large extent ..

If the reality is hurting you .. that Jharkand and other smaller states are not being given its due .. then you should be angry with the politicians and people in general .. The Director 'Shimit Amin' should not be blamed for this.

To further detail on this .. I hv faced a similar situation during one of my visits abroad few years back.. In California, I was asked how is India like .. is it just jungles .. are there things like refrigerators etc. there?

I dont blame them ... it is their ignorance .. There are millions of tourists coming from all over the world here everyday .. knowing more about our culture etc..

Coming back to the topic ..blaming Shimit Amin for potraying what he did would not be appropriate.

Also, Real India does not just stay in small towns and villages .. Cities and Metros are as much part of the Real India as the towns and villages! Lets not divide India into pieces every time .. Look at it as ONE INDIA ..



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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
'Dhoni was aiming for a one run victory'