While this all hoopla is going on with this win, everybody accolading Jharkhand boy Dhoni for his captaincy..I just wondered that in the Movie Chak De, the movie maker could not stop himself refraining from the bias of his attitude towards small towns, specially where in Chak De India movie the film director has potrayed Jharkhand in a negative form, just making mockery like any common person which makes fun of people from small places like Jharkhand Bihar Orissa MP etc.
Now Dhoni has given him a befitting reply through his performance for the country as well as his thousand volt speech at Wankhede telling the world that how a small town boy is born to be superior than a metro. I hope the director of Chak De India must have felt his mistake and improves his character against regional bias onwards! Must understand India is one and every region is equal for it, equally important be it bihar Jharkhand or rajasthan of South India, and the real India still stays in these small towns and villages who are humiliated and left out in the present day of modernization and development, which occur only in selceted 8-10 cities of this country! Faster we realize to fill this gap, better woudl be for India. India needs to b united.