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Warning of the day
by JonBonJovi on Nov 24, 2007 08:44 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

The authorities at the Feroz Shah Kotla are obviously wary about poor crowd behaviour. "Spectators are reminded that racially abusive comments and action will result in ejection," said a couple of boards in the Wing A side of the ground.

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  RE:Warning of the day
by Kabir D on Nov 24, 2007 09:10 AM   Permalink
hello BonJovi:

thanks for filling in the details of India!
Oh! yes, in India, we have lots of problems that we are not proud of and also we have some that are going to take ages to reconstruct..

Being reasonable IS very relative isn't it?
..the fact is that you folks come on REDIFF and write responses to some of the idiotic text indians write! Look what PROUD PAKI wrote above! yeah! it's a fact what he has written and how did end that sentence though!!
That means you folks VISIT Indian websites often and spend good amount of time in browsing Indian sites and provoke each other! So what are you guys trying to prove on Indian websites!!

Thank REDIFF for airing your thought provoking facts! and hatred for each other!!
Yeah! sure! we are way behind your country in Stats ...but it seems me to that you guys are very insecure that you keep visiting and provoking in these websites!
Instead spend quality time on your country's issues, especially on Pakistan team's upcoming tours!

happy browsing!

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  RE:Warning of the day
by JonBonJovi on Nov 24, 2007 09:53 AM   Permalink
i talked abt cric and ur tawkin abt absurdity! u are well oreinted in time and space! this is cric where did ISI come from? shud i talked abt RAW MOSAAD CIA FBI here??? LOL u are such a retard! stats abt cricket read again cricket! politics in pak and india both are dirty thats y we both are fighting still and world is capatilisin! but u wont ur midn is stuck on pak! ill call it just ur inferiority colplex to play ontop policy!i have loads of idnian frnds and they are thanksgod not like u! have real healthy relations where they support pak team and i support india! but u lol a dirt bag!

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  RE:Warning of the day
by Kabir D on Nov 24, 2007 09:59 AM   Permalink
As I said before, keep writing!

Btw..I do have lots of Pakistan friends as well and in fact I play with them every summer here!
But we don't provoke each other and write trash to each other!
you calling me a DIRT BAG is nice! That tells a lot about you! Keep writing! Happy Browsing!

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  RE:Warning of the day
by Kabir D on Nov 24, 2007 10:03 AM   Permalink
btw..when did I write ISI? Read my mail again!

anywyas, good luck

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  RE:Warning of the day
by Kabir D on Nov 24, 2007 10:23 AM   Permalink
Bon Jovi:
wow..surprise to read your writings - Islam and pakistan?
dude, when did i talk about religion??? did you see THAT in any of my emails????
i am a muslim just watch what you write!!! Looks like you are frustrated! Not sure why?

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  RE:Warning of the day
by Kabir D on Nov 24, 2007 10:29 AM   Permalink
yeah! thanks for reading between the lines!
keep writing an STOP provoking hatred! we have enough problems already in India!!

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  RE:Warning of the day
by JonBonJovi on Nov 24, 2007 10:27 AM   Permalink
yea yea as if i havent read ur posts! if ur a muslim then salam! and what i wrote is thata association that world makes abt pakistan and islam! u didnt get the emaning may be ur still asleep!
carefully read bw the lines what i have written!

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  RE:RE:Warning of the day
by JonBonJovi on Nov 24, 2007 10:19 AM   Permalink
i replied it but i dun know y it got in abuse!
if my country is in turmiol and has thrashed u so much imagine if we werent in that situation what mince meat in cric we had made of u! i can write coz i have somethign to write abt than frustaion!
im tawkin abt crick and u talk of politics read ur own politics gandhi was killed rajiv smoked indira gunend sikhs roits mumbnai riots gujarat babri naxalites maoists an all read that as well!just out of fashion to talk abt islam and pakistan dot talk absurd!

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  RE:Warning of the day
by R reddy on Nov 24, 2007 11:12 AM   Permalink
anybody there ?

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