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RE:Warning of the day
by Kabir D on Nov 24, 2007 09:10 AM

hello BonJovi:

thanks for filling in the details of India!
Oh! yes, in India, we have lots of problems that we are not proud of and also we have some that are going to take ages to reconstruct..

Being reasonable IS very relative isn't it?
..the fact is that you folks come on REDIFF and write responses to some of the idiotic text indians write! Look what PROUD PAKI wrote above! yeah! it's a fact what he has written and how did end that sentence though!!
That means you folks VISIT Indian websites often and spend good amount of time in browsing Indian sites and provoke each other! So what are you guys trying to prove on Indian websites!!

Thank REDIFF for airing your thought provoking facts! and hatred for each other!!
Yeah! sure! we are way behind your country in Stats ...but it seems me to that you guys are very insecure that you keep visiting and provoking in these websites!
Instead spend quality time on your country's issues, especially on Pakistan team's upcoming tours!

happy browsing!

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