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Pakistan - No comparison with india
by R reddy on Nov 24, 2007 08:07 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Iam really surprised that there is a comparison going on between a country like India and hell called pakistan. I believe comparison should happen atleast if there are some similarities. Going by the recent happenings in pak , i think the country is going to dogs. They are dependent on usa even for a piss. The politicians are nothing more than a bunch of muppets. If u think pak is supreme, then why does Imran khan come to india and talk on our shows for money, Nobody cares for him. Funny that he comes to india to watch a world cup match between india and pak. A nd look at the so called musicians and singers from pak, they Q up before the our producers and directors for chance, what a shame. No takers in pakistan.. and movies in pak...oh! can't believe it.. our 60s movies are better than what they make today. These are just a few of the many great things about india..

So, my dear friends pls do not compare these two countries, if pak is called a country.

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  RE:Pakistan - No comparison with india
by JonBonJovi on Nov 24, 2007 08:31 AM   Permalink
lol i am laffing at ur frustation!
Imran comes as he has something to earn money for his hospital! charity! and musicians come as one billion indians dont have what they have! and hell yes theres no comparison dont stoop too low in ur pseudonationalism! go and look stats where pak has thrashed india in cricket! thats the comparison we're makin!not the dull politic ur tawkin! in politics ur as dirty as pak! sikh riots,mumbia riots,babri demolitions, gujarat riots, kashmir insurgency, maoist naxalites!its just these days islam is in fashion like the devil communism was!then u used to sit with the russians:) and we fought them and the talibans as well! but now islam is in news so let it be!but open ur eyes this room is abt cricket and in cricket india pak is no comparison pak has defeated india in india just look at stats! yes yes u won t20 and yes yes u have won wc matches but still u trail!after 4 years u win a match and start jumping and forget the stats and think that all those 12 tests and 63 one dayers that pak has won were played at sharjah!

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  RE:Pakistan - No comparison with india
by R reddy on Nov 24, 2007 08:40 AM   Permalink
why Imran cannot find people to give money in pak, why does he need to beg in india,, if u think ur singers are best then why can't they sing in pakistan , rather than begging for chances and residency in india. Everyone one know how u won in sharjha, innumerous blunders by the umpires favouring paki players, like the hatrick by aqib,,,

So, open ur eyes and don't compare for anything.. u all are just losers , begging for mercy..

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  RE:Pakistan - No comparison with india
by JonBonJovi on Nov 24, 2007 08:53 AM   Permalink
LOL begging? he is invited ok he is Imran Khan not u who will beg,for him Diana even came bollywood stars like aamir khan go to his shows all over the world.he just dont specifically go to india he goes to USA UK and has huge following. he has dated women like shields and ur rekha even sent him a proposal! so shut the f up before tawkin abt begging!
So if ur so talentaed u shudnt have let the pakistani into india music nusrat adnan atif aslam call the band junoon amanat ali have talanet they have something ok thats y they thrive there! they get money on their own terms they are professionals! R Reddy whocome u lost everything just after that 86 six? before that india used to win LOL now that hatrick LOL that pinches u and u made a dash outta sharjah!u were loosers and still are, kumbles perfect 10 LOL were all given by indian umpire and juss go and watch them how accurate they were! sharjahw as a neutral venue! ur mere frustation! talk abt cricket and look at stats!one more thing just go and excluded sharjah wins by pakistan still pak has thrashed u lol! to burn u even ,more ur Tendus winning ratio is lower than Inzi's now go an see stats! and produce one Khan One Wasim One Waqar One shoiab asif umar and just one Miandad whose six just shut u in an egg shell! LOL

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  RE:Pakistan - No comparison with india
by Mohammed Zameer on Nov 24, 2007 09:19 PM   Permalink
Bon Jovi u r typical pakistani punjabi, wel whole world knows that pakistan is depend upon west and USA, you cannot make a single needle in your country n u talk abt. superiority of pak over india, can u just tel me why u always defeat in all world cup matches just think n let me know...
U must have thanks india to allow you people to enter and do charity, for eg. wasim akram has just came to do that..

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  RE:Pakistan - No comparison with india
by JonBonJovi on Nov 25, 2007 05:38 AM   Permalink
and if u get some time after Namaz inshallah read this post

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  RE:RE:Pakistan - No comparison with india
by JonBonJovi on Nov 25, 2007 05:23 AM   Permalink
Mohammad Zameer ur just another Indian Miyan jee who has to "prove" his fellow indians how "nationalist" u are! lol got it! if ak depended on usa then india was suckin some russian tes t icles got it? or should i tell ya what does that mean? I am a punjabi and i am proud of ma heritage but u must be some goon from UP lol!
Wasim akram LOL he come sthere to bang some holes not charity! Shoiab does the same! thats y ur Sania Mirza like his aggression lol! i read that blog and saw ur indians respect for the lady lol!
how many WC matches are there? 1992 1996 1999 2003 means after every 4 years u won a match from pakistan LOL what abt the other 59 matches that pak won? now dun tell me that they were all played in sharjah even if u exclude sharjah(if u know some maths) pak is on top! in tests as well.we have ebaten u in ur country the most!check soem stats!we own u in crick! make one imran one wasim waqar shoiab asif sarfaraz umar! then talk! dun talk abt paper blasters whos winning ratio is less than Inzi again check some stats!
but hell no ur proving ur self a nationlist hehe being a muslim ull get some praises! shabash! lage raho lol

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  RE:Pakistan - No comparison with india
by R reddy on Nov 24, 2007 10:40 AM   Permalink
Hmmm...that means imran is begging all around the world...Gud work mate..whats the point getting married to jemina in 40s...LOL! wonder she ran off....LOL! :-). I never visit paki sites...

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  RE:Pakistan - No comparison with india
by JonBonJovi on Nov 25, 2007 05:15 AM   Permalink
yea married got 2 sons LOL! u can just dream! he even converted her! awww keep it going u frustated geek! yea he begs for humanity! saves human lives and has banged many holes in ur bollywood!
but i am laughing at ur shear frustation! LOL

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  RE:Pakistan - No comparison with india
by R reddy on Nov 24, 2007 11:16 AM   Permalink
don't want to produce such jerks !

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