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RE:Pakistan - No comparison with india
by JonBonJovi on Nov 24, 2007 08:31 AM

lol i am laffing at ur frustation!
Imran comes as he has something to earn money for his hospital! charity! and musicians come as one billion indians dont have what they have! and hell yes theres no comparison dont stoop too low in ur pseudonationalism! go and look stats where pak has thrashed india in cricket! thats the comparison we're makin!not the dull politic ur tawkin! in politics ur as dirty as pak! sikh riots,mumbia riots,babri demolitions, gujarat riots, kashmir insurgency, maoist naxalites!its just these days islam is in fashion like the devil communism was!then u used to sit with the russians:) and we fought them and the talibans as well! but now islam is in news so let it be!but open ur eyes this room is abt cricket and in cricket india pak is no comparison pak has defeated india in india just look at stats! yes yes u won t20 and yes yes u have won wc matches but still u trail!after 4 years u win a match and start jumping and forget the stats and think that all those 12 tests and 63 one dayers that pak has won were played at sharjah!

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