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Vengarsakar needs to organize his English letter better.
by computer learning on Dec 05, 2007 03:10 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dilip is not using effective English to communicate with BCCI. The point needs to more clear, and the letter itself should use effective English at all the places. [Note: effective English is different from any fancy or grammatically correct English.]

Sharad Pawar does not read Vengi's e-mail in person; Sharad's assistants do it for him, and then they convey the essence to him. These assistants are very adept in English.

Moreover, effective English is different from any fancy or grammatically correct English.

The letter by Dilip is poorly organized, and there are a lot of stop gaps, loop holes which works to BCCI's advantage and to general people's disadvantage. If Dilip Balwant Vengarsakar is good at his job, then he also needs to acquire other necessary skills in order to serve the Indian Cricket better at the highest level.

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  RE:Vengarsakar needs to organize his English letter better.
by sudhir dhar on Dec 05, 2007 03:41 AM   Permalink
None of the donkeys at BCCI can seak English anyway.

Shulka apart from looking like a pocketmaar- NO
And that street hawler, Niranjan Shah -NO,

So who will read his English?

Pawar , when once told, "Sir,India has lost two wickets two wickets!", answered, "Oh ho ho, koi baat nahee, doh wicket godaam say nikaal kay dedoh, punn security aur majboot hona chahiyeh, yeh sab public kay saamnay doh-doh wicket kaissey khoh gaya?".

BCCI madarees dont know cricket, ettiquette,and English!

What tf are you talking about c.l?

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  RE:Vengarsakar needs to organize his English letter better.
by Aminoor on Dec 05, 2007 07:02 AM   Permalink
Mr. Sudhir.
I feel pity about your imagination.
So cheap.................
Even Europeans are unable to speak so called effective English but still they have remarkable presence.
Accept it or not - Mr. Pawar is BCCI CHIEF and not even single Indian from north south east or west can challenge his post.
Not even so called effective English speakers.

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  RE:RE:Vengarsakar needs to organize his English letter better.
by INDIAN on Dec 05, 2007 12:21 PM   Permalink
Mr. Sudhir or Undir (if u r marathi then u know what is meaning of Undir)

Where u r going? This is not about any post or respect. this is about how they can speak and understand english. thats it. so no need to involve European into this matter.

Gadhwa, tulaa kaay bolaayche tey samjat naahi tar tu bolu nako.

I agree Sharad Pawar is BCCI Chief and possess higher position in Indian Cricket. but this is also true that he can not speak english fluently not his jokers like Niranjan Shah, Shukla The Raawdi Pocketmaar, Vengserkar The Confuced Colonel.

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  RE:Vengarsakar needs to organize his English letter better.
by VASUDEVAN VM on Dec 05, 2007 08:29 AM   Permalink
even during his playing days and after becoming the captian of indian team his communication was very poor. after spending so many years in mumbai and interacting with so many people, including all foreign people he could not improve his language/communication skill, which is pathatic.

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  RE:Vengarsakar needs to organize his English letter better.
by Virgil Raju on Dec 05, 2007 05:49 AM   Permalink
cheap behavoiur of the lowest level by people at the highest level of Indian cricket - Vengsarkar,Pawar etc

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