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RE:Neuclear Deal
by Anonymous on Jun 20, 2008 01:01 AM

What world you live in Sheetal????
Anyways, here are some points to your GK start going..
- There is a dearth of infrastructure facilities/ projects in our country. We need lots and lots of iron and steel for heavy industries to work on these projects. So we need lots of power supply.
- Our current power generation capacities are not sufficient to meet our domenstic demands.
- Other than HydroCarbon energy, we have not done enough research on solar or other sources of energy.
- Our current nuclear plants are based on Uranium fuel and to run those we need Uranium fuel which we may get from NSG(Nuclear Supply Group)
- We have largest Thorium base in Jharkhand but again we do not have enough technical skills and research for nuclear reactors to run on Thorium. Our most learned president, Dr. Kalam had pointed out this long time back but government have not shown any initiative, like they always do.
- Austrailia largest Uranium supplier have already said NO to us because we have not signed NPT. Result is, we have two nuclear plans ready to be commission are put on hold for indefinite time.
- If we get this deal, we not only get Uranium to run our reactors but we also get necessary technology for power and energy base industry.
- Left is opposing this deal because they feel that India can not perform Nuclear Test but this is not true. India have already said NO to Hyde act and thus can perform Nuclear Test if situation demands that.

Hope this helps

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal