Everybody felt bad about Satyendra Dubey. If people like him are shot dead and the _CBI_ makes that a robbery-murder, what is left of law in Bihar? This high-publicity case was during BJP rule at centre. CBI is under Govt control and ABV was PM and National Highway was his project. If Dubey's objections were given attention, other engineers would have the guts to speak out and the project would work well.
In a land where engineers live in fear and cannot change society even if they desperately want to, this is the ONLY result to be expected. Engineer does not mean B.E. "Engineer" means anyone who works hard to solve technical problems with brains.
Sadly, AB was the lone good man who could do nothing. River-linking was promised, started, and then rolled back. It would have made diversion of water much easier if a network of canals was in place. We could have balanced out every disruption in water distribution - no droughts, no floods. Industries dont pay tax. States fight amongst each other. And people die of droughts and floods in adjacent states!! Can there be anything more insulting and shameful to Indian intelligence than this one remarkably constant pattern - droughts and floods in nearby regions?
India needs water-resource engineering to become as lucrative as computer engineering.
Who will make the act of survival a profit-making market? After all, everything is a free market economy.
Now sit and cry when the stock market slides due to poor monsoons.