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Prevention is the ONLY cure
by DV Nayak on Aug 30, 2008 11:56 PM

I think that is what we, the people, need to realise about disasters like this.
Either you prevent it or you face the consequences.
Tell me, how many people are going to die of epidemics that will soon break out?
The Gods seem to be very angry with Himalayan lands - first it was the Sichuan/Beichuan earthquake, then these rains and floods.
We in Mumbai have seen 26th July. I've been out there in the water upto my chin. It's not a nice feeling.
We had roads stinking for days after, inspite of a Municipality.
Just imagine Lalu Prasad's situation
He has turned Railways profitable and his own state, which he let ruin over decades, is now paying a heavy price.
Sometimes I wonder if this has anything to do with the recent regime change in Nepal.
After seeing the pattern of bad luck of Himalayan lands, one is forced to wonder why global warming has been allowed to go unchecked.
Think. Question.
Dont forget that there exists a monster called "HAARP". I DONT think this is HAARP, since we have already accepted majority of the nuke deal.
I think environmental warfare is not yet regulated like chemicals and bio-weapons are in Geneva convention.
USA used rains to great effect in Vietnam war before supercomputers, space weaponry and skynet were invented. Wonder what they have now!
Google and read to know more about "weather warfare".
Unless food scarcity and medical shortages are the goal, it cannot be HAARP or rain modification.
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''Tsunami of Bihar'': The blame game