Situation normal but all fouled up ! I have thoroughly enjoyed the readers' views. Pl understand that communication is the best form of resolving differences. If they have written, let us also communicate more effectively (especially when a lot of Govt. officials and peoples' representatives go and mingle with their counterparts in USA). The core issues are: 1.India does not see Iran as a terrorist nation;Iran might have angered USA on many occassions. 2.It will be foolish for us to align with USA in such La Mancha moves.Just watch Mr John Major's personal disconfiture when he perpetuated "WMD" story in Iraq. 3.If USA takes a short-term view of walking out of 123 or other economic coperations, let that be.We have ,in fact, suffered such wrong decisions in past.But with a rising India, USA will be a great loser.
At the end of it,the Indian political tamasha is very much worth enjoying.Who knows tomorrow, some cleric may order fatwah on the poor Congressmaen !