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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Foolish people
by on Jun 16, 2007 04:32 AM

Really!??? Muslims are not the poorest in the workld, Indians are!!!

Let us see if this stands the test of emperical data.

Here is India in her glory:

India's per capita income:
India's per capita income is now $800

Pakistan's per capita income:
$950 and going to cross $1000 this year.

Bahrian is $16000
Saudi Arabia is 52 with $12,500
Malaysia is 81st on the list with $8,940
Iran is 88th with $7,190
Tunisia is 91st with $6,840
Turkey is 94 with $6,690 gets the picture!

India is 143 on this list:

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No way to treat Pakistan