I returned to India after staying abroad for just 2 years... and I find the General is spot on. Comments condemning the general by certain individuals in this column simply indicate their stubborness (or maybe foolishness) in refusing to acknowledge that Indian society has serious problems: india is more racist than any other country in the world - we discriminate against our OWN countrymen on the basis of colour (south/north), language, mannerisms, food habits... you name it.. and we discriminate on the basis of it. Who the 'f@#k' are we kidding!!!! We are patriotic only when it comes to writing about it or talking about it in front of hazaar people. Actions dude.. Actions... they speak louder than words. Look at the treatment meeted out to women on the streets ... in every frikkin city/town in India... visual undressing rules!!! If this is not loss of morality... then you pappus who are critisizing the general... go frikkin home and watch all the stupid dumb ass serials that have so sensitized you into believing that you're in a perfect moral world !!