Andrew, You may be the 1st person to say India has enough natural resources. I dont know which India you are talking about. If you think we can and should develop energy from coal, first the coal is high pollutant, 2nd coal in India is cheap quality, 3rd it is it concentrated in parts of India. I respond to your question by asking other way round. If we have so much energy, why in this world were we trying to get oil / gas from Iran? And why didnt you shout then? And can you tell me what wil happen if we sign this deal? Why are you so against it? Do you think America should gift this to us? We have to pay a price, and we have to balance our needs. Why do you think by signing this deal we will become slaves of US. This is a bloody cold war mentality, which the politicians fed people like you to keep India in darkness. You may be a Chemistry major, or whatever, but your thoughts are really strange. If the Commies have so much problem with INdia-US, why dont they have issues with China-US collabrations in econominc front. These are intelligent people who unfortunately very closed mindset. They see everything from the same prism- US is BAD. As if China is good. As if joininig hands with Iran will give us billions. This is not 1980. There is no USSR. There is one super power- US. Another in the making- CHina. But one which will never allow us to take positions of strenght, for obvios reasons. Choice is simple- alas people like you have thoghts which are .. leave it