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RE:Not correct by core
by Ravi Roy on May 18, 2007 01:54 PM

From south India, people graduate like Bhend Bakri in Biotech, with any private college openign the course.
these students have no depth. While same time in north Indian universities and other places, students have deeper knowledge and experience..still companies come in south and do recruitment of those Bhend bakadi, who die and crave for any job offer of 8000 rupees. These bhend bakdi and their producers in private coleges of south india has another share in the poor show of Biotech, who lack quality terribly, making all these life science to do BPO job and related recruitment, while msot of the north Indian students leave India or join companies outside or here at higher position and salaries. This is why those companies workign in northern side of India are better employer than those in south where everything is high in amount except quality and salary.
This must not be taken as regional statement but as a fact.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Biotech boom: Where're the jobs?