I agree 100% with Sweta. career is definitely important as family. yuor kid will be proud of you when they grow up and look up to you as their role models. Independence, confidence, money and contacts are all at the end of the day for our children. I am thankful to God for gifting me a hubby who's a better parent than me and he loves to do almost everything that i do for my 20 month old baby daughter.Tehy make a great team, play, eat and sleep together.Well, he works mostly during the nights.He inspires me to move up the ladder of success and IS THE MAN BHIND MY SUCCESS and smile. While at work, I'm not worrying. He not only takes care of my girl, but packs my breakfast does not demand service from me and men like Rohit should learn something from him. Husbands are thats why called "BETTER HALF". Together we can and we will build a home with love.laughter and of course lots of money so that our kidz can have a great life ahead.