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So called honor killings are very common in some areas of our country
by dakshin on Jun 02, 2008 12:00 PM  Permalink 

Families killing their sons and daughters, for not falling in line with the diktats of families are very common in certain areas of our country. Majority of them are not reported. Even those reported are covered up. Many fall in court because of lack of evidence. There should be some reformation in Judiciary too. Otherwise criminals will go unpunished forever.

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by krishna mahesh on Jun 02, 2008 10:57 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Please note the forensic department of any investigation agencies can still solve the case, even if other evidences have vanished(the murder weapon, motive,confession...etc)

The forensic department should use ultraviolet light to scan the cleaned room where late Arushi was found to pull out evidences indicating uncovered finger prints..stains.. foot marks etc., Also they can try and look for some stain marks etc., below the cot legs... look for evidences below the door crevices... window sils.. above the fan in her room...ask for records from the mobile company.printout of sms of her father, herself and others involved or suspected of invovlement.. photographs taken by the police... and place it before an intelligent detective, who can analyze impartially how the murder was carried out... then other pieces of the puzzle will fall in place.

The Killer will face his karma for sure...

My only prayer to the little girl who is no more, is MAY HER SOUL REST IN PEACE... HOPE SHE HAS A BETTER LIFE IN HER NEXT REINCARNATION...

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by dakshin on Jun 02, 2008 11:55 AM  Permalink
Yes if crime spot is subjected to proper forensic examination. Even if blood stains are washed and evidences tampered with, one can reconstruct the turn of events.

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Who else?
by BEN10 on May 30, 2008 05:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If not Dr Talwar then who else? there is no other suspect left. In this case, police is doing what they should do.. they are identifying proofs so that next time no daughters and sons killed in our society.
as like other high profile case, dr talwar will be left free because of no eyewitness and proof.
we should allow police to work seriously wothout any allegation. for ur kind information, police doesn't take 'bribe' in such hifh profile case...ok think...

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RE:Who else?
by navneet sarin on May 31, 2008 02:34 PM  Permalink
You means in low profile cases police takes bribe, I feel dear we should think otherwise that police never takes bribe as our law says every body is innocent till proved guility. Although our Noida police believes in French law which say every one is guility untill prooved innocent. That's why Dr. Talwar is guility although there s nothing to support the claim but now it's he who has to explain and prove he has not murdered his beloved only daughter. The daughter for whom both parents were working over time like a selfless person. It's life may be he had to undergo all these problems. We can just expect CBI will unearth the truth what the problems already created by inept handling of this investation may have spoiled and distroyed all the vital proofs. Only god or the killer can come forward and say how and why the poor small child was killed. A faamily was distroyed. It's not the matter of bribe or no bribe, it's a case of inefficiency and the inhuman nature of our police. There are few very good police officers in all the ranks from top to bottom but there are few who are not even fit to be called a human being. So some one at some higher level has to think of reforming the police forces, some one has to think of their welfare, some one has to decide the examplary rewards for effeciant and honest police offices and also such a examplary punishment for those who are working contrary to the norms of justice. Till then all these murders, dacoities, thefts and every thing will

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who dunnit ?
by spenta on May 30, 2008 05:11 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

A simillar case had happned in Mumbai in 2008

One girl Ms rashmi talpade was found dead under mystrious circumstances and her father was packied up as a main accused only to be released later by a session court . whao dunn it ?

will mumbai police explain that ?

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Quota Police?
by Pakkiri on May 30, 2008 04:48 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I hope Behenji would institute an enquiry to find out how many of the police men who are involved in the Aarush murder case came through the caste based quota channel? I dont have have much doubt, but just a curiosity to know whether it is 55% or 69% !!

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RE:Quota Police?
by Madhavi on May 31, 2008 08:28 PM  Permalink
Seriously, one shud look at these aspects too. Such studies cud prove far more helpful to the govt in deciding quotas. besides as 'Truth' puts it, it wud be no surprise if these people actually manage to do what he has listed, not to mention, much more

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Police on this board
by Pakkiri on May 30, 2008 04:42 PM  Permalink 

It appears that even the police have their representative loony on this board, who are hell bent on passing VERDICT that Dr. Talwar killed his daughter. Look at the postings by the fellow called samsung. I can vouch that he is a policeman or who gets paid in terms of pegs from the police.

By the way, the new method introduced by rediff of showing all posts of boarders is a good one. I went through Mr. Samsungs'. He has about 240 posts total out of which 235 have been permanently blocked due to abuse. Has to be police, or the son of a police or a chamcha of police.

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I doubt father did it.
by V S on May 30, 2008 04:41 PM  Permalink 

I seriously doubt father killed Arushi. The police has made wile allegations that he did but tey are really going by speculation on this.

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The TRUTH must come out !!!
by red on May 30, 2008 04:40 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Well many things are going on from everywhere ... from media...from cops...from family ... but nothing is yet confirmed about this case.. aligations needs to be prove.. but not anyhow...they way police is investigating.

"THE TRUTH MUST COME OUT" ... hope CBI can do something better.

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RE:The TRUTH must come out !!!
by sushilkumar shinde on May 30, 2008 04:42 PM  Permalink
Its high time now CBI, should do something in this regard.

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Aarushi Murder case
by mridul thapa on May 30, 2008 04:34 PM  Permalink 

I do not why and for what reason name of Aarushi is being tarnished by media. Everybody knows she is not there to defend herself,so keep gaining from the story. Everything is alleged about her and nothing is proved, but no, we all are so obsessed by these thoughts that, for gaining publicity and for other reasons. The concern should be of solving the case not to tarnish the image of the girl. The police also should concentrate on solving the case, rather satisfying perverted brains and making excuses.

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Murder most foul
by Leslie Mascarenhas on May 30, 2008 04:33 PM  Permalink 

Why r v forgetting the Maid who was made by the police to clean all the blood stains on the stairs & in the room.This is important Forsenic Evidence.When everything fails & no clues are found Forsenic Science comes to the aid.

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