You means in low profile cases police takes bribe, I feel dear we should think otherwise that police never takes bribe as our law says every body is innocent till proved guility. Although our Noida police believes in French law which say every one is guility untill prooved innocent. That's why Dr. Talwar is guility although there s nothing to support the claim but now it's he who has to explain and prove he has not murdered his beloved only daughter. The daughter for whom both parents were working over time like a selfless person. It's life may be he had to undergo all these problems. We can just expect CBI will unearth the truth what the problems already created by inept handling of this investation may have spoiled and distroyed all the vital proofs. Only god or the killer can come forward and say how and why the poor small child was killed. A faamily was distroyed. It's not the matter of bribe or no bribe, it's a case of inefficiency and the inhuman nature of our police. There are few very good police officers in all the ranks from top to bottom but there are few who are not even fit to be called a human being. So some one at some higher level has to think of reforming the police forces, some one has to think of their welfare, some one has to decide the examplary rewards for effeciant and honest police offices and also such a examplary punishment for those who are working contrary to the norms of justice. Till then all these murders, dacoities, thefts and every thing will