Rajesh Talwar has done the right. No extra marital affair. it is fabricated. actual fact is, his daughter had gone out of control, not even with servant but with other DPS guys at the age of just 14, her recorded MMS told like this. On that day, she was found with intercourse position with her servant. so, what parents would do? they both killed her and fabricated a extra marital affair to reduce their shame.Now, of couse , Anita Durani and couple are innocent.Anita had no affair with the doctor!
by waseem on May 24, 2008 10:42 AM Permalink
Dear Sanjeev what u have written at this hours of crises, if its true or partly, than yes, Iam with u, that's what the creator told , Zina [sex]done by married one , killed him/her, if by un married than 80 lashes ... The western world and some of thier indian connections writing/speaking against the creator's constitution.
They wants full nudity in rest of the world in the name of freedom and free will. ,,
We must pray to save our kids from all such evil and evil propogators.
[your text is below] Rajesh Talwar has done the right. No extra marital affair. it is fabricated. actual fact is, his daughter had gone out of control, not even with servant but with other DPS guys at the age of just 14, her recorded MMS told like this. On that day, she was found with intercourse position with her servant. so, what parents would do? they both killed her and fabricated a extra marital affair to reduce their shame.Now, of couse , Anita Durani and couple are innocent.Anita had no affair with the doctor!
by Suji on May 24, 2008 10:43 AM Permalink
Sanjeev Ganguly, I hope you have daughters and the BOLD LIE you are perpetrating against Aarushi could come back in the same form against your daughters.
by Javed Hasnain on May 24, 2008 10:56 AM Permalink
Well said Suji. And It seems that Ganguly knew everything from the beginning. So, the police should track his ID and interrogate him.
by Khadak Singh on May 24, 2008 10:42 AM Permalink
Whare is the evidence can u show to police? pls. come in to Noida for further introgation, its request. UPP.
What ever the matter maybe if Mrs.Durrani says she is a family friend of Dr.Rajesh Talwar then they should be helpful to Dr.Talwar as I dont think Dr.Talwar himself has murdered his daughter I dont trust police according to me to solve the case police has solved the case too early and police dont wanna saw their false or there is some big conspiricy played against Dr.Talwar... May be there is some kind of suspense in this case.
four people living in a house. two found murdered. now two remains. one is the doctor and the other is his wife. the doors are looked from inside when the maid comes in the morning. the crime doesn't look like committed by a woman. now who else remains??
RE:NARCO TEST IS require%u2026
by ashok vidyarthy on May 24, 2008 10:30 AM Permalink
SCOPALOMINE ...... thats one of the available narco tests. I do not understand as to why the authorities are not resorting to one .... and unnecessarily spending time and money on listless investigations headed by untrained, half witted and dumb police personnel ...!
son kills father husband kills wife wife kills husband friend kills friend lover kills husband so on and so on everything because of e m a Pls think twice befoe E M A
RE:extra marital affair
by SHYAMA M.H PRASAD on May 24, 2008 11:23 AM Permalink
Some people simply wants to enjoy their life- be it with their own wife or some one elses. This lust results in EMA