Dear Sanjeev what u have written at this hours of crises, if its true or partly, than yes, Iam with u, that's what the creator told , Zina [sex]done by married one , killed him/her, if by un married than 80 lashes ... The western world and some of thier indian connections writing/speaking against the creator's constitution.
They wants full nudity in rest of the world in the name of freedom and free will. ,,
We must pray to save our kids from all such evil and evil propogators.
[your text is below] Rajesh Talwar has done the right. No extra marital affair. it is fabricated. actual fact is, his daughter had gone out of control, not even with servant but with other DPS guys at the age of just 14, her recorded MMS told like this. On that day, she was found with intercourse position with her servant. so, what parents would do? they both killed her and fabricated a extra marital affair to reduce their shame.Now, of couse , Anita Durani and couple are innocent.Anita had no affair with the doctor!