Reservation is being provided on the presumption that the supposed beneficiaries are lacking in some way. For example three years addl time is given to make them eligible to compete. Qaul. marks are kept pegged at a lower leve. But these facilites are denied to 'Other' groups no matter how poor, illiterate or backward their parents might be. Supposedly a rickshaw-puller, a sweeper, a peon, daftary, driver etc belonging to the 'Other' castes are well endowed intellectually and financially!
All said and done their is no cure for imaginary grievances, that too the one that supposedly happened several thousand years ago, when India did not exist as a country.
The ruling was clear that graduates cease to be socially AND econonomically backward and hence will not get the benefit of reservations. This I guess is the correct position because a person cannot be helped in every stage unless the purpose is to create a class of people in a society which did not have it like in case of SC/STs.
Churchists, Islamists and marxists are hell bent to convert hindus in India, as it is the only place left non-converted during last 1000 years. Anyone opposing reservation must realise this.
RE:Those who oppose reservations are anti hindu.
by Anurag Shrivastava on May 15, 2008 01:03 AM Permalink
Your contention is not correct - OBCs have never converted to other religions so reservations do not help. The issue was with SC/STs and reservations for them is an effective measure.
Instead of leaving matters to the interpretation of every one and prolonging legal battles on interpretation it self,supreme Court should have made things crystal clear by defining what is higher education.Some wise man has correctly said that "law is an ass and can be interpreted in any manner"Hence at least in such judgments which are likely to spur nationwide controversy, legal battles etc,the honourable judges could have as well vented what exactly they had in mind
by Fried Yakov on May 14, 2008 11:27 PM Permalink
Why do we not call for reservations for the post of ministers / political party men? The reservations should be the same percentage as for jobs and higher education.
by mallaiah anchoori on May 15, 2008 07:08 AM Permalink
As it is,by accident and in order to appease the reserved category berths are also given to them out of those elected under reservation..As such,no reservation need be made specifically
RE:This is called
by mahabodhi on May 14, 2008 07:52 PM Permalink
Congress never gave reservation to anybody as it is a Upper Caste party nad diring its rule only upper Castes were CMs in UP CB Gupta /Tiwari/Tripthi etc.!The British intriduced Reservation in Electrote system in 1932 poona pact !The Gandhi then sat on Satagraha asking British and forcing the Dr.Ambedkar sahib that SC be given Qouta but not separtae Elecrtote in eklections !That is qouta with in Qouta soi that SC candiates can be choosen by upper Caste Hindus !even after Indepndance the Dr,Ambedkar had to go to W. Bengal to get elected to parliamnet!Congress never gave /resrvation to OBC!It Was VP Singh who introduced OBC theu Mandal Commission which was in Cold Storage for many years as even Indiar Gandhi did not allow the Mandal Commission whcih gave report during Janta Dal after Congress deafeat in Elections in 1977!Congress is upper Caste party !as Muslims vote tactically to oust BJP so does upper Caste vote tactically to keep SC/ST/OBC away from the centre of the power !Read Kansh Ram's Chamcha age !and also other books !Get your facts first !Noe the Sc/ST/OBC will form a new combiantion and rule India for next 100 years in India !
RE:This is called
by True Indian on May 14, 2008 10:23 PM Permalink
Dear Mandbudhi Agree that Jantadal started all this mess, but current congress is very much in favour of it. The kind of spelling mistakes you have done in your post, I can very well identify where India will stand in terms of quality of education in the years to come. Welll, its just your dreams that OBC will rule India in next 100 years. Janta Dal was toppled and so would be UPA
RE:This is called
by Raghuram on May 15, 2008 06:32 AM Permalink
Please update your knowledge. Article 15(4) that allows reservations was introduced by the Cong Govt way back in 1951. It was the first constitutional amendment. Article 15(5) was also introduced by the Cong(I). Don't worry, more Articles (6), (7), (8), etc will follow soon, as and when addl. demands for special rights are made. Yogendra Makwana, of the Cong (I) reportedly belonging to the SCaste was CM of Gujarat. The British introduced 'rese' because they wanted to break up the people and make them fight one another. All state have 'quota' including those ruled by the Cong(I). Please get your facts right.
RE:This is called
by Niharendu Mukhopadhyay on May 14, 2008 08:46 PM Permalink
The very basic concept of "reservation" is misleading at the present stage. It is like "begging" and helps generating incompetency. It can not be a right by birth. Let the underdeveloped and economically poor citizen be given scope to develop academically etc at nation's cost but upto a suitable level. Specific time frame say one decade should be sufficient and the policy can not remain open ended for life long else the politicians will continue to misuse it.