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RE:This is called
by mahabodhi on May 14, 2008 07:52 PM

Congress never gave reservation to anybody as it is a Upper Caste party nad diring its rule only upper Castes were CMs in UP CB Gupta /Tiwari/Tripthi etc.!The British intriduced Reservation in Electrote system in 1932 poona pact !The Gandhi then sat on Satagraha asking British and forcing the Dr.Ambedkar sahib that SC be given Qouta but not separtae Elecrtote in eklections !That is qouta with in Qouta soi that SC candiates can be choosen by upper Caste Hindus !even after Indepndance the Dr,Ambedkar had to go to W. Bengal to get elected to parliamnet!Congress never gave /resrvation to OBC!It Was VP Singh who introduced OBC theu Mandal Commission which was in Cold Storage for many years as even Indiar Gandhi did not allow the Mandal Commission whcih gave report during Janta Dal after Congress deafeat in Elections in 1977!Congress is upper Caste party !as Muslims vote tactically to oust BJP so does upper Caste vote tactically to keep SC/ST/OBC away from the centre of the power !Read Kansh Ram's Chamcha age !and also other books !Get your facts first !Noe the Sc/ST/OBC will form a new combiantion and rule India for next 100 years in India !

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