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by Glenn on May 07, 2008 10:44 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Our Beloved CM and self styled poet Shri Karunanidhi ji will surely be composing a poem in the honour of LTTE Leader............

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by on May 07, 2008 05:35 PM  Permalink

.......... from his latest "out house".

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by Romesh Agarwal on May 07, 2008 09:01 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Lanka Tamilians need peace but LTTE and its supporters and sympathisers cannot give it. Bcoz LTTE is a well known terrorist outfit and their activities are pure terrorism, no doubt. Indian central government (whatever party is in power), Lanka Government(Whatever party is in power)Moderate peace loving Tamilian intellectuals and leaders in Lanka and of course Tamil Nadu Government(Whatever party is in power)will have to get together and solve the problem.Without the input of TN Govt this problem will never be solved.This is my personal view after watching the pathetic situation of lanka tamilians for some time..

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by Sun on May 07, 2008 09:32 AM  Permalink
100% true. But the problem is about the TN govt. It indirectly supports the LTTE goons for the sake of few votes.

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by grt on May 07, 2008 07:17 PM  Permalink
do look at TN govt headed by Karunanidhi.
If you know the politics of LTTE & TN & INDIA, you will never say this.

Prabakaran was the pet of MGR(ADMK founder) and likewise Indira Ghandhi had another pet, Karunanidhi had another pet during 1980s.
Later the pets of Karunanidhi were killed by LTTE & MGR. Why will Karunanidhi support LTTE ?.

If Karunanidhi has supported LTTE, today TAMIL ELLAM would have been born with the help of india.Look at the power of DMK that has in indian govt.

I feel pity on u Mr.SUN. Go and read Indian politics and history linked to Tamil ELLAM for the last 25 years.

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by grt on May 07, 2008 07:13 PM  Permalink
Dear Romesh,

Longback Tamils of TAMIL ELLAM(Srilanka) has rejected living alongwith srilanka. So there is nothing to do with LTTE or anyother tamil parties of tamil ellam. 60 years of genocidal activities of sinhalese has led tamils to declare their nation on their own.
Why should we indians think -ve about our ancient land of tamils of Tamil Ellam?. Lets us be proactive like chinese.

See, cholas were the ancient kings of current tamilnadu & Tamilellam(Srilanka). TamilEllam(Srilanka) was inhabited by tamils ruled by cholas. Later sinhalese occupied it and wiped out tamils, tamil culture and hindu culture.

When TANJORE the capital of Cholas is with tamilnadu(india),why Anuradhapuram the second native capital of cholas should be with Srilanka?

Let us merge our ancient lands of tamils of TAMIL ELLAM with India.Let it be part of india like Tamilnadu & Pondichery.

After merging it with india, LTTE can be a good united army of india to protect our ancient lands of india in south.LTTE's commitment and sacrifice can be used to strengthen our army to handle chinese and pakistanis and sinhalese.

Let us be ve and help our fellow brothers and sisters of TAMIL ELLAM to liberate themselves from sinhalese occupation & genocide.

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Muslims & christians are terrorists
by Lashi Kapur on May 07, 2008 05:23 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Muslims and christians are terrorists because they
believe in killing humans as sacrifices.
Although all of them don't take part in it almost all
of them believe in it.

But christians are also more cunning because they like
to do it secretly so the world would not think of them
as violent people even though christians are the most
evil and the most violent people.

Some times christians do it in the name of other
religions to make them look as violent religions.

Some of the terrorist organizations like LTTE and
ULFA are headed by christians with hindu or buddhist
sounding names.

Chances are any killings done by shiv sena and/or
bajrang dal are done by christians and/or muslims
hidden among them.

Sonia gandhi is an evil christian, who now a days is
urging christians with hindu names to take a leading
part in encouraging low caste hindus to kill upper
caste hindus.

She is promising them forgiveness if any gets caught.

She wants the world to think of hindus as old fashioned
violent people who fight on the basis of caste.

And she wants every one to think of herself as a modern
forgiving christian.

For proof go to myspace.com/rakesh22
and/or myspace.com/vidhu2.

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RE:Muslims & christians are terrorists
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on May 07, 2008 08:13 AM  Permalink
Are you real. I think evil fundamentalist Hindus are also an evil to the world. We Eelam Tamils are very secular and we do not care whether one of us is Christian or Hindu. SO take all this religious crap and get lost. We already have to deal with Muslim fundamentalism from the Tamil Muslims in Sri Lanka and do not want any other religious crap from Hindu fundamentalists like you.

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RE:Muslims & christians are terrorists
by Nashi Kapur on May 08, 2008 03:38 AM  Permalink
Chelvarajan Sethukavalar,
I am real. I believe hindus are the most peace loving people. They fight only in
self defense, if ever.
Where as christians and muslims kill innocent people because they consider killing
humans as giving sacrifices.

I believe I am telling the truth, and what ever crap you are getting you are
getting from the christians and/or the muslims only.
And like a stupid fool you are taking it all.

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RE:Muslims & christians are terrorists
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on May 07, 2008 10:58 AM  Permalink
for your information Im Hindu

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RE:Muslims & christians are terrorists
by Aubia Buni on May 08, 2008 03:29 AM  Permalink
Chelvarajan Sethukavalar,
Even if you are an hindu chances are that your leaders are christians
who are misleading you into killing innocent buddhists and/or hindus.

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RE:Muslims & christians are terrorists
by Glenn on May 07, 2008 10:42 AM  Permalink
And do not talk abt Muslim fundamentalist in open otherwise MK will stop writing poems for

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Kill that Bas ard
by John dicosta on May 07, 2008 05:10 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

These Bas ards need to be killed to stop terrorist activities across the globe.

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RE:Kill that Bas ard
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on May 07, 2008 08:08 AM  Permalink
and what is your reply to genocidal racist governments which start all these. They should be killed first before all others, however this will not happen as selfish governments turn a blind eye to these for their own agenda. Tell me why is has the Indian government given $200 million as a soft loan to Sri Lankan is it to destroy the LTTE and as a result a large amount of Eelam Tamils will be killed ethnically cleansed and their lands colonised. So the government of India is helping with the genocide of the native Eelam Tamils. There is no point in stating we want all parties to come for a peaceful settlement and them providing a bellicose government with easy funds to wage war. think Mr. Dicosta

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RE:Kill that Bas ard
by Romesh Agarwal on May 07, 2008 12:31 PM  Permalink
Hello sir, One Government giving funds, loans and grants to another government is not new and taking place everyday & everywhere.If you think it is to cleanse one ethnic group then that your personal view. I do not think most of the public will agree with your view and they need not.

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RE:Kill that Bas ard
by Edwin Navaratnam on May 07, 2008 12:38 PM  Permalink
Why dont yuo read your own news papers Ten Indian Times of stated these funds are to fight the LTTE

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RE:Kill that Bas ard
by Edwin Navaratnam on May 07, 2008 02:34 PM  Permalink
Sorry The Economic Times and the Guardian News paper

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RE:Shanthan - a proper tamil patriot - but is his arrest real!!!!!
by Fried Yakov on May 07, 2008 03:20 AM  Permalink
the LTTE should demand that Sl merges with India- this would solve all problems and security concerns

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RE:RE:Shanthan - a proper tamil patriot - but is his arrest real!!!!!
by Modrator on May 07, 2008 09:13 AM  Permalink
its Sri lanka...

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