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Muslims & christians are terrorists
by Lashi Kapur on May 07, 2008 05:23 AM

Muslims and christians are terrorists because they
believe in killing humans as sacrifices.
Although all of them don't take part in it almost all
of them believe in it.

But christians are also more cunning because they like
to do it secretly so the world would not think of them
as violent people even though christians are the most
evil and the most violent people.

Some times christians do it in the name of other
religions to make them look as violent religions.

Some of the terrorist organizations like LTTE and
ULFA are headed by christians with hindu or buddhist
sounding names.

Chances are any killings done by shiv sena and/or
bajrang dal are done by christians and/or muslims
hidden among them.

Sonia gandhi is an evil christian, who now a days is
urging christians with hindu names to take a leading
part in encouraging low caste hindus to kill upper
caste hindus.

She is promising them forgiveness if any gets caught.

She wants the world to think of hindus as old fashioned
violent people who fight on the basis of caste.

And she wants every one to think of herself as a modern
forgiving christian.

For proof go to

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