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Save Tibet
by stanzin dawa metta on Mar 22, 2008 04:23 PM  Permalink 

My humble appeal to my countrymen, stand up against China, which is gradually occupaying and stationing lakhs of forces on the border of Indo - Tibet. A time will come, when this evil forces will surely attack on India.

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Liberate Tibet
by SatyaMeva Jayate on Mar 22, 2008 04:12 PM  Permalink 

Tibet was an independent country for thousands of years. Yes, Tibet is a neighbour to China. But Chinese and Tibetans have nothing in common. It is like Germany and France. Even though both share hundreds of kilometers as border, they are very different.
Chinese occupied Tibet by force in 1950 and it was illegal. Nehru and other INC leaders of that time remained mere spectators to the occupation. During the illegal encroachment and the violence that followed, Dalai Lama came to India and formed a Government in exile.
For helping Dalai Lama, China attacked India in 1962. India was badly defeated. India had to concede thousands of sq kilometers of land to cunning Chinese. Those areas are still ruled by Chinese.
Chinese greed has not stopped yet. They still claim Arunachal in total.
Congress (I), commies and other pseudos support Chinese claims. It is a matter of time before they hand over Arunachal to Chinese on a platter to earn some brownie points and few thousand votes.
We patriotic Indians should be totally aware of these nefarious Chinese designs and oppose them till our last blood falls for Bharat.
Independent Tibet is the best that could happen to India. Let us all give Tibetan brothers support in whatever shape or form.
At least, then we could save Brahmaputra, which Chinese are planning to block and inundate India if situation turns bad for them.
Vande Mataram.
Jai Hind.

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Dalai is a biggest lair
by David Dak on Mar 22, 2008 03:31 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dalai is bigestliar. He said that 99 Tibetans were killed in recent riot but actually 13 Chinese were killed by Tibetan rioters and only three tibetan were killed. Dalai said that Chinese have destroyed Tibetan culture but actually Chinese Govts inject billions yuan and tonnes of gold each year to maintain the Pudala and other temples in Tibet to protect Tibetan culture and religions. Hundreds and thousands of monks live with the food supplied by Chinese and Chinese Govts. Ungrateful Dalai and some of monks are still unhappy. USA is second liar. It was CIA plotted rebelion in 1950s in Tibet to divide China and promised to Dalai for Tibet indipendent. Everyboy knows that before 1950, TIbet is a most inhuman and uncivilised society in the world. It was fuedal and slavery society. Dalai regime use human skulls to make chair arms. Dalai and monks were superior to ordinary Tibetans. Dalai treated ordinary Tibetans as slaves. How come the west think Dalai is a peace love monk? If it was not librated by Chinese PLA, Tibet will still be a slave and feudal society. Anybody has consciousness should realise the real face of Dalai. His smill can not cover his fake belive of peace. His Peace Awards is made as a tool by the West to against China. In China, Dalai is a laughing stock.

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RE:Dalai is a biggest lair
by chetan kotur on Mar 22, 2008 04:27 PM  Permalink
there is some weight in this claim..
bt not many ppl knw of this fact..

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RE:Dalai is a biggest lair
by Raymond Lee on Mar 22, 2008 04:02 PM  Permalink
That's true. People who didnt see the truth happened in Lhasa and just got the inauthentic information from western media have no right to judge China or Tibet.

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Dalai Lama is a shame
by Raymond Lee on Mar 22, 2008 03:14 PM  Permalink 

Dalai Lama is a shame to Tibetan people, to China and to India.

To Tibet, he attempted to rule Tibetan people as a feudatorial king just like in Tibet before 1959.

To China, he already admited Tibet is one part of China and he admited he is a Chinese citizen many times but now he walks with USA to hold down China.

To India, he usually made up bad issues between China and India when India is attempting to repair the relationship since 1962.

He is just a terrorist following CIA of USA.

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Give Bharat Ratna to Dalai Lama
by Janam on Mar 22, 2008 02:44 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dalai Lama is a very worthwhile candidate for giving Bharat Ratna.

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RE:Give Bharat Ratna to Dalai Lama
by Raymond Lee on Mar 22, 2008 03:49 PM  Permalink
Are you kidding with Blessed Teresa or are you just kissing USA's ass?

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RE:Give Bharat Ratna to Dalai Lama
by Ramanathan Karuppiah on Mar 22, 2008 04:12 PM  Permalink
See who says this. LOL
You are the ones kissing USA's ass by manufacturing all the Tissue papers Americans use.

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RE:Give Bharat Ratna to Dalai Lama
by Raymond Lee on Mar 22, 2008 04:28 PM  Permalink
No, we are just benefit-oriented. You say that because you dont use Tissue for your own butt? Dont insult me using that improper reason.

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RE:Give Bharat Ratna to Dalai Lama
by Ramanathan Karuppiah on Mar 22, 2008 04:47 PM  Permalink
I am not insulting, I want you to see reason, remember that lone guy in front of an Army tank in 1989. In that case where are you going to find fault, with that guy or with the communist government. Same analogy applies to today's Tibet too.

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RE:Give Bharat Ratna to Dalai Lama
by Raymond Lee on Mar 22, 2008 09:19 PM  Permalink
that's different.
In 1989, China government made a big mistake. every Chinese blamed the government for that because it was wrong.
but today,the government are wiping the splittist out. this is the right way and all the Chinese people applaud for that. you can refer to Financial Times of UK to know what Chinese people think of this event.

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Dalai Lamas PR worked overtime
by tanveer Khan on Mar 22, 2008 01:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think the Dalai Lama has played a game and won it too , just before the Olypics where was the need to raise the Tibetan issue , i think he is also making a fool of the Tibetan people , of he is so spiritually conscious about the Tibetan peoples sufferings why is he here in India and always enjoys the parties and Hostings of the Americans , Europeans and Israelis , why does'nt he go to Tibet to share the sufferings of the Tibetan people , a dozen of people are killed in Tibet including Chinese policeman and Ethnic Han Chinese people and big storm hass been raised just to make it sure the Olypics are not held in China , i think Dalai Lamas PR agencies and Western masters have worked overtime to make the happenings in Tibet headlines and make it a case for human rights violations and further the cause of Olypics boycott .

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RE:Dalai Lamas PR worked overtime
by krishna satagopan on Mar 22, 2008 02:31 PM  Permalink
You mean to say Osama and Velupillai Prabhakaran should fight staying in Saudi and Coloumbo for pursuing their cause?. Is peaceful protests turning violent(which should not have happened with Tibetians ofcourse- as I am pretty sure they will get their freedom any way from China as Non violence ultimately wins as is the case with Indian freedom led by our great Mahatma.
My dear Tibetian friends, brothers and sisters. Please be patient and have faith in God and be non violent as you have been in the Past. You will definitely succeed. Our prayers are with you. An appeal to Chinese brothers. Please see reason. You have a very vast territory to administer and prosper. As British have released Hongkong to you, pl release Tibet to Tibetians and still enjoy the togetherness. Let artificial boundaries do not come in our leading a peaceful co-existence.
Praying for universal peace,

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RE:Dalai Lamas PR worked overtime
by Manjula A on Mar 22, 2008 02:05 PM  Permalink
He is in exile. Have you any awareness at all? Of current affairs?

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China Disturbed
by iffath syeda on Mar 22, 2008 01:37 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hi This disturbence is due to American. as USA fears China & want problems In china to down the economy

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RE:China Disturbed
by Manjula A on Mar 22, 2008 02:06 PM  Permalink
You employees of the Government of PRC, why do you have Muslim pseudonyms?

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