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Dalai is a biggest lair
by David Dak on Mar 22, 2008 03:31 PM

Dalai is bigestliar. He said that 99 Tibetans were killed in recent riot but actually 13 Chinese were killed by Tibetan rioters and only three tibetan were killed. Dalai said that Chinese have destroyed Tibetan culture but actually Chinese Govts inject billions yuan and tonnes of gold each year to maintain the Pudala and other temples in Tibet to protect Tibetan culture and religions. Hundreds and thousands of monks live with the food supplied by Chinese and Chinese Govts. Ungrateful Dalai and some of monks are still unhappy. USA is second liar. It was CIA plotted rebelion in 1950s in Tibet to divide China and promised to Dalai for Tibet indipendent. Everyboy knows that before 1950, TIbet is a most inhuman and uncivilised society in the world. It was fuedal and slavery society. Dalai regime use human skulls to make chair arms. Dalai and monks were superior to ordinary Tibetans. Dalai treated ordinary Tibetans as slaves. How come the west think Dalai is a peace love monk? If it was not librated by Chinese PLA, Tibet will still be a slave and feudal society. Anybody has consciousness should realise the real face of Dalai. His smill can not cover his fake belive of peace. His Peace Awards is made as a tool by the West to against China. In China, Dalai is a laughing stock.

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Turmoil in Tibet left Dalai Lama in tear