sm krishna is the cm of rich only...under his gr8 leadership congress tally reduced from 165 seats to 65 seats...if krishna is showcased as cong cm then it will b like giving a frewe ticket to fascist forces(bjp/rss) to rule karnataka...
only communists have got the courage and ability to take on communal forces
RE:sm krishna is the cm of rich only...under his gr8 leadership congress tally reduced from 165 seats to 65 seats
by AswathaKumar Kamale on Mar 20, 2008 03:24 PM Permalink
You need to find out the meaning both theoretical/practical meaning of fascism, communism, communalism etc.. with the new chameleon like politicians. Its people who are fooled all the time whom so ever it is.
this time communists are going to sweep karnataka bcoz now poor,marginalised and minority people understood that only communists are devoted to theri cause and bourgeoise leaders like soniaji and sm krishna are cheating them
RE:this time communists are going to sweep karnataka
by abc ghi on Mar 20, 2008 03:14 PM Permalink
hhahahaha wat a joke communist traitors gona win hahaha ....only BJP no communal party like cong and communist
RE:this time communists are going to sweep karnataka
by PotDetective on Mar 20, 2008 03:26 PM Permalink
Communists will not get more than 5 seats. Long Live BJP !! I pray BJP will win a majority on its own and provide a stable clean government after years of misrule by the corrupt JDS and Congress
RE:this time communists are going to sweep karnataka
by DRR RS on Mar 20, 2008 03:54 PM Permalink
In the past assembly.. CPI(M) -- 1 seat Sri Ram Reddy (Bagepally constituency)
RE:this time communists are going to sweep karnataka
by paras jain on Mar 20, 2008 03:14 PM Permalink
i doubt how one can like communist..really i feel they r deshdrohi
RE:this time communists are going to sweep karnataka
by PAL on Mar 20, 2008 03:13 PM Permalink
they are always sweeping the entire karnataka roads with broomsticks.
BJP is only party in India which cares for Roti,Kapda & Makan for aam admi. Look under congress rule many farmers/workers had commited suicide.No poor or Middle class can offer to buy home today.unemployment,poverty rate had increased.Life is getting difficult for aam admi due to sky rocketing prices. Please put these congressis in dustbin & elect true pro people BJP.
RE:Vote for BJP
by KS Rajan on Mar 20, 2008 03:34 PM Permalink
My dear ram, We have seen the India shining. You have a communal mind. In Gujarat, the voters are polarised. You do not know how they got polaerised. Think 100 times and still you donot find an answer, you are totally inflicted with paranoid communalism.
RE:Vote for BJP
by ram mas on Mar 20, 2008 03:58 PM Permalink
people of gujrat had prospered under BJP rule . Narendra Modi takes care of Roti,Kapada & makan for its people. He had declared himself as chokidar of peoples wealth lying at gandhinagar.He had said I don't steal & will not allow any other to steal this wealth is for development of common people will be used for that only.what karnataka's past CM had done only stolen peoples welth brought misery to aam admi.What are conditions in Bangalru?How many workers are commiting suicide in ulsoor lake?
Choose the FALSE one out: 1.Bangalore is a breeding ground for stray dogs 2.Bangalore is now called Bengaluru 3.Bangalore's roads are completely not planned 4.Bangalore has India's most unpredictable and unstable government for the past decade 5.Bangalore is just a hype which actually was famous for cold weather 6.Bangalore has the highest percentage of alcoholic drinkers in India 7.Travel time from Bangalore's old International airport to the new one takes atmost two hours.
Ans. 7 is False. Travel time could extend upto 3 or even 4 hours because of the ill-managed traffic and ill-planned roads.
by karthick p on Mar 20, 2008 03:10 PM Permalink
I think most of the points are the same across any city in India. Maybe you should make the list like this.
Choose the city in India which doesn't have the following [without bangalore in it]
by Vijay on Mar 20, 2008 03:19 PM Permalink
Bangalore is Heaven compare to other cities of India,Go to Mumbai,Chenai or Pune etc.Bangalore is Bangalore No city will match to Bangalore!
by Cubeblogger on Mar 20, 2008 03:30 PM Permalink
bull crap...Bangalore is the best. Though I belong to one of the major metros of India, I feel at home in bangalore. It is safe, beautiful, part cosmo-part local lifestyle, nice people.
by mahesh b on Mar 20, 2008 03:33 PM Permalink
Bengaluru is bad... All idiots who have come from other places pls go back to good place as ur home town, where god given light (No Power), no water and no roads are there..
Bye to all non-kannadigas!! At least after that Kannadigaru will be living happily.
by Longkoko on Mar 20, 2008 03:41 PM Permalink
Bangalore belongs to all, how come 35% minority Kannadigas stake their claim on Bangalore? Coming years will see Kannada population declining more, beware.
by sangeetha raman on Mar 20, 2008 03:57 PM Permalink
dont create disunity amoung kannadigas and other community especially tamils like your rajkumar and other kannada associations
by nasty on Mar 20, 2008 03:10 PM Permalink
I do agree with one of your points... 1.Bangalore is a breeding ground for stray dogs... LIKE YOU.....
by PAL on Mar 20, 2008 03:16 PM Permalink
8. Bengalooru has most muslim educated terrorists. 9. bengalooru is home for Gowda's family most hated family across india along with karunanidhi's family.
by Indian Dictator on Mar 20, 2008 03:19 PM Permalink
Benguluru was nice, pleasent and cool all these years, it was even called as a Paradise until you people came and spoilt it.
by mohan kumar hm on Mar 20, 2008 03:13 PM Permalink
non kannadiga's plz do the favour of leaving bangalore and goto better place than bengaluru...really bengaluru is bad..let bad stays with us..and we know how to live in our state and our city
This time, I think BJP will come to the power in Karnataka. Being a Bangalorean, I prefer to we give a chance to BJP once & see how they manage to show.
Now Karnataka people are matured. They have seen the real colour of all parties. So this time they will vote for one party to get majority on its own. This party will be BJP. BJP. BJP. BJP.
RE:Karnataka people are matured
by KS Rajan on Mar 20, 2008 03:37 PM Permalink
Mr Vijay Kumar Singhal, Kannadagi is matured before our independence. You are so impressed with the leadership of BJP which is spreading hatred in the country.
RE:Karnataka people are matured
by rajesh yadav on Mar 20, 2008 03:29 PM Permalink
Even they have seen color of BJP. Frankly speaking they dont have any good option to vote
Most likely his re-entry will be curtailed to just campaigning for congress rather than be the CM candidate as it will definitely ensure that a splinter faction will play spoil sport in the local congress. Mallikarjuna Kharge will definitely play up the caste bill.
RE:SM Krishna as CM?
by PAL on Mar 20, 2008 03:18 PM Permalink
No kannadiga likes him as a CM. Only bengaloreans like him. so better for him to contest Corporation elections and become mayor.
RE:SM Krishna as CM?
by Vijay urf Teesmar Singh on Mar 20, 2008 03:03 PM Permalink
No. He has come back only becasue there is no other in congress having guts to fight elections. But Krishna will only increase infighting within congress. It will have negative effect. Old horses do not win races.
RE:RE:SM Krishna as CM?
by karthick p on Mar 20, 2008 03:06 PM Permalink
Maybe we should have a retirement age for politicians. Look at all of them, hanging on to power no matter how old they are. The Red's are a prime example.
RE:SM Krishna as CM?
by apur on Mar 20, 2008 03:02 PM Permalink
No doubt Krishna is good administrator and good CM only for Bangalore. He is better suited as CM of Bangalore rather than CM of Karnataka but what he done for Bidar,Gulbarga,Raichur,
RE:SM Krishna as CM?
by narayan on Mar 20, 2008 03:14 PM Permalink
sm krishna is the cm of rich only...under his gr8 leadership congress tally reduced from 165 seats to 65 seats
RE:RE:SM Krishna as CM?
by karthick p on Mar 20, 2008 03:16 PM Permalink
Point taken. But to say that commies are the solution to karnataka's woes is like amputation surgery is the only option for a blister in the skin
RE:RE:SM Krishna as CM?
by Ramani K on Mar 20, 2008 03:08 PM Permalink
Good. S M Krishna is good only to urban people and not rural people. He will lose because of rural people votes. Poor guy he is made as a scape goat !!!
RE:karnataka rakshana vedike will win
by apur on Mar 20, 2008 03:05 PM Permalink
Kannadave Jaati Kannadave Dharma Kannadave Devaru that is Karanatka Rakshana Vendike. Good that it worked hard to get Mayor from Kannada side in Belgaavi.
RE:karnataka rakshana vedike will win
by Zumber on Mar 20, 2008 03:25 PM Permalink
Yes by joining hands with Muslim parties. But beware Marathis still form majority in Belgaum but chose to sit in opposition rather than joining hands with Jehadis. Time will prove how costly this decision would be for the common Kannads
RE:karnataka rakshana vedike will win
by Rationalist on Mar 20, 2008 03:53 PM Permalink
If Shivsena can support Congress presidential candidate who support Jehadis & evalangelists just because she is Marhata why not kannadigas do the same in Belgavi.
RE:karnataka rakshana vedike will win
by Vishnu somayaji on Mar 20, 2008 03:10 PM Permalink
Why did he (Narayana Gowda) not responded, when a humiliated sentence like " I should not have borned in Karnatka" by Deve Gowda?
this timie congress wil come to power with full majority... JD(S) is honoured with single digit and Bjap second place..... SM krishna should get one more chance to run the state... He is good administrator ....and highly educated. I request the people of karnataka to give Your , your family , friends, relatives valuable votes to COngress... Let Congress improve Karnataka in the global map.
Gowda will take off from politics... and his family willl do farming.. that is suitabel for them....
BJP is not matured to come to power and more over they are non-secular people... SP ...gypsy and all other won't come at all... its just media hipe for them..
by Ramani K on Mar 20, 2008 03:04 PM Permalink
BJP should come to Power in Karnataka. What maturity Mrs Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi got. People should vote for BJP with a thumping majority so that no coilation govt will be formed. If no coiliation no Gowda family !!!
by shiva s on Mar 20, 2008 02:56 PM Permalink
what to do mean Non-secular? If we talk about HINDUS, u call as communal.Congress talking abt secualr is bringing more terrorists into our state? U want congress again?
by venuhari on Mar 20, 2008 03:15 PM Permalink
by Sudhir on Mar 20, 2008 03:25 PM Permalink
We saw the Cong Govt from last 50 years among these all Cong Minister Mr SM Krishna is Best CM., but even though this time BJP should come power with thumping mejority.,.,
by Sudhir T on Mar 20, 2008 02:59 PM Permalink
What is the guarentee that SM Krishna will be the CM, congress has too many big guys and if they get majority, they will fight among themselves for CM post
by Yuvaraja C on Mar 20, 2008 03:27 PM Permalink
Big guys ? In which context they are big ? Only in age as donkeys not in their achivement even they spent half century in politics.
The return of S.M. Krishna to Karnataka politics, is indeed a good move by congress. Karnataka under S.M. Krishna reached new heights, but sadly after his ommission, it plundered in darkness under new leaders. I hope this time congress comes in power with full majority and S.M. Krishna leads the state.
RE:Return of S M Krishna
by shiva s on Mar 20, 2008 02:58 PM Permalink
what to do mean Non-secular? If we talk about HINDUS, u call as communal.Congress talking abt secualr is bringing more terrorists into our state? U want congress again?
RE:Return of S M Krishna
by mufaddal saifuddin on Mar 20, 2008 03:04 PM Permalink
Let there not be a divide between communities.. remember we are Indians first. S M Krishna's record speaks.. He indeed led the state from the front, and one could see prosperity in his time. Unfortunately, leaders who followed him, simply got involved in petty politics and messed the image of Karnataka.
RE:Return of S M Krishna
by Mee Bharateeya on Mar 20, 2008 03:14 PM Permalink
We BJPians too want to be indian first. Veer Savarkar too had said to be indian first. But there are some people who treat their religion first. They reject to bow down for india. And these congress buggers appease them. They will protest against attack on Iraq by US where no India is involved but they will keep calm when China or Pak claim Arunachal/Kashmir. You can't expect only -one community forgetting religion. You can't afford the respected(disrespectful) person in PM post to claim certain community on natural resources and then still call for majority people to keep quiet and follow secularism(pseudo)
RE:Return of S M Krishna
by shiva s on Mar 20, 2008 03:10 PM Permalink
convincing... But for sure.. SMK can't become CM bcos if politics with in his party
RE:Return of S M Krishna
by narayan on Mar 20, 2008 03:15 PM Permalink
sm krishna is the cm of rich only...under his gr8 leadership congress tally reduced from 165 seats to 65 seats