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by anand lingaiah on Mar 20, 2008 02:53 PM

this timie congress wil come to power with full majority...
JD(S) is honoured with single digit and Bjap second place.....
SM krishna should get one more chance to run the state... He is good administrator ....and highly educated.
I request the people of karnataka to give Your , your family , friends, relatives valuable votes to COngress...
Let Congress improve Karnataka in the global map.

Gowda will take off from politics... and his family willl do farming.. that is suitabel for them....

BJP is not matured to come to power and more over they are non-secular people...
SP ...gypsy and all other won't come at all... its just media hipe for them..

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Karnataka poll in 3rd week of May: EC